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CategoryFarming Simulator 15
Created01.11.2014 00:42

Ramon Cadienne (Unknown) 01.11.2014 00:45
in the SDK, i just found the regular ones...
A fully list of all functions would be awesome, so mods like telehandler can be sorted better
If someone knows more than here wriiten functions, feel free to post them

actually known vanilla- $l10n's:




Regardless, Hedrauta

Unknown 06.11.2014 17:09
Found one more in the flieglVFW10600:


Would be really great to have a complete list. I am looking for the one that goes with the timber trailers.

Itamar Lourenco (Unknown) 06.11.2014 18:47
From the game xml's (english), just add $l10n_ to name, i.e: measuring_unit_miles = $l10n_measuring_unit_miles

<!-- Units -->
<text name="measuring_unit_miles" text="mi"/>
<text name="measuring_unit_km" text="km"/>
<text name="measuring_unit_mph" text="mph"/>
<text name="measuring_unit_kmh" text="km/h"/>
<text name="unit_km" text="Kilometers" />
<text name="unit_miles" text="Miles" />
<text name="unit_dollar" text="Dollar" />
<text name="unit_decimal_symbol" text="." />
<text name="unit_digit_grouping_symbol" text="," />
<text name="unit_euro" text="Euro" />
<text name="unit_pound" text="Pound" />
<text name="unit_dollar_short" text="$" />
<text name="unit_euro_short" text="€" />
<text name="unit_pound_short" text="£" />
<text name="area_unit_short" text="ha"/>
<text name="fluid_unit_short" text="l"/>
<text name="fluid_unit_long" text="liters"/>
<text name="TemperatureSymbol" text="°C"/>
<text name="copyrightSymbol" text="©"/>
<text name="registeredSymbol" text="®"/>
<text name="trademarkSymbol" text="â„¢"/>
<text name="unit_liter" text="l" />
<text name="unit_bale" text="bales" />
<text name="unit_meter" text="m" />
<text name="unit_kw" text="kW/h" />
<text name="piece_unit_short" text="pieces" />

<!-- Fruit / Filltypes -->
<text name="wheat" text="Wheat"/>
<text name="barley" text="Barley"/>
<text name="rape" text="Canola"/>
<text name="maize" text="Corn"/>
<text name="grass" text="Grass"/>
<text name="dryGrass" text="Hay"/>
<text name="chaff" text="Chaff"/>
<text name="silage" text="Silage"/>
<text name="forage" text="Total Mixed Ration"/>
<text name="forage_mixing" text="Forage"/>
<text name="potato" text="Potatoes"/>
<text name="sugarBeet" text="Sugar Beet"/>
<text name="straw" text="Straw"/>
<text name="woodChips" text="Wood Chips"/>
<text name="wool" text="Wool"/>
<text name="egg" text="Eggs"/>
<text name="filltype_milk" text="Milk"/>
<text name="filltype_fuel" text="Fuel"/>
<text name="filltype_water" text="Water"/>
<text name="filltype_seeds" text="Seeds"/>
<text name="filltype_fertilizer" text="Fertilizer"/>
<text name="filltype_manure" text="Manure"/>
<text name="filltype_liquidManure" text="Slurry"/>

<!-- Vehicle TypeDescs -->
<text name="TypeDesc_Mower" text="mower"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_ManureSpreader" text="manure spreader"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_ManureBarrel" text="slurry tanker"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_Cultivator" text="cultivator"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_Sprayer" text="sprayer"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_Seeder" text="sower" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Plough" text="plow" />
<text name="TypeDesc_ForageWagon" text="forage wagon" />
<text name="TypeDesc_MixerWagon" text="mixer-wagon" />
<text name="TypeDesc_StrawBlower" text="straw blower" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Cutter" text="header" />
<text name="TypeDesc_CutterTrailer" text="header trailer" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Tedder" text="tedder" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Baler" text="baler" />
<text name="TypeDesc_BaleLoader" text="bale loader" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Weight" text="weight" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Plow" text="shield" />
<text name="TypeDesc_CornCutter" text="corn header" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Windrower" text="windrower" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Trailer" text="trailer" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Tipper" text="tipper" />
<text name="TypeDesc_WaterTrailer" text="water trailer" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Harvester" text="harvester" />
<text name="TypeDesc_FertilizerSpreader" text="fertilizer spreader"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_Planter" text="planter"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_Greenhouse" text="greenhouse"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_HaulmTopper" text="topper"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_Defoliator" text="defoliator"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_AugerWagon" text="auger wagon" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Pickup" text="pickup" />
<text name="TypeDesc_Forwarder" text="forwarder" />
<text name="TypeDesc_WoodHarvester" text="harvester" />
<text name="TypeDesc_BaleWrapper" text="round bale wrapper"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_TreePlanter" text="tree planter"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_LowLoader" text="low loader"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_StumpCutter" text="stump cutter" />
<text name="TypeDesc_WoodCrusher" text="wood crusher" />
<text name="TypeDesc_HighPressureWasher" text="high pressure washer"/>
<text name="TypeDesc_TimberTrailer" text="timber trailer"/>

<!-- FUNCTIONS -->
<text name="function_tractor" text="Tractors are required to pull trailers and tools."/>
<text name="function_tractorFrontloader" text="This tractor can also attach a frontloader."/>
<text name="function_combine" text="Combines harvest the indicated fruit types."/>
<text name="function_combineNeedsCutter" text="For a combine to work, it also needs a suitable header."/>
<text name="function_cutter" text="Headers are attached to combine harvesters."/>
<text name="function_cutterTrailer" text="Header trailers can transport headers safely on the road."/>
<text name="function_haulmTopperPotato" text="Before potatoes can be harvested, the foliage needs to be cut with a haulm topper like this one."/>
<text name="function_harvestingPotato" text="This harvester digs the potatoes out of the ground. Note that a haulm topper is needed prior to using this machine."/>
<text name="function_harvestingSelfPropelledPotato" text="This self-propelled harvester collects potatoes in one go."/>
<text name="function_haulmTopperSugarbeet" text="Before sugar beets can be harvested, the foliage needs to be cut with a haulm topper like this one."/>
<text name="function_harvestingSugarbeet" text="This harvester digs the sugar beets out of the ground. Note that a haulm topper is needed prior to using this machine."/>
<text name="function_harvestingSelfPropelledSugarbeet" text="This self-propelled harvester collects sugar beets in one go."/>
<text name="function_tipper" text="Tippers/trailers are used to transport the harvest."/>
<text name="function_semiTrailer" text="Semitrailers can be attached by using a dolly."/>
<text name="function_dolly" text="A dolly serves as a link between a semitrailer and a tractor."/>
<text name="function_cultivator" text="A cultivator prepares fields for the next sowing."/>
<text name="function_plough" text="With a plough you can prepare fields for the next sowing and create new fields."/>
<text name="function_sowingMachine" text="With a sowing machine you can sow fields."/>
<text name="function_sowingMachineDirect" text="Additionally, this machine offers the possibility to seed directly (no previous cultivating or ploughing necessary)."/>
<text name="function_sowingMachineFertilizer" text="This particular machine can fertilize the ground at the same time."/>
<text name="function_fertilizer" text="Fertilizer sprayers improve the harvest of your fields."/>
<text name="function_sprayer" text="Sprayers increase the harvest output of fields."/>
<text name="function_sprayerTank" text="Additional tanks increase the capacity of sprayers."/>
<text name="function_manureSpreader" text="Manure spreaders improve the harvest of your fields."/>
<text name="function_slurrySpreader" text="Slurry spreaders improve the harvest of your fields."/>
<text name="function_slurryContainer" text="A field container is used as an interim storage for slurry. You can fill it with the Kotte TSA 30000 slurry tanker."/>
<text name="function_mower" text="Mowers cut grass."/>
<text name="function_mowerSelfPropelled" text="This vehicle has its mowers already built in."/>
<text name="function_windrower" text="A windrower arranges grass, hay or straw in rows (windrows), which can then be scooped up by forage wagons or balers."/>
<text name="function_tedder" text="A tedder turns grass around so it can dry faster."/>
<text name="function_forageWagon" text="A forage wagon collects grass, hay or straw. It can also be filled with chaff."/>
<text name="function_baler" text="A baler turns loose straw or hay into convenient bales."/>
<text name="function_baleWrapper" text="A bale wrapper packs hay bales in foil so they can ferment into silage."/>
<text name="function_baleStacker" text="A bale collector eases the collection of bales."/>
<text name="function_baleTrailer" text="A bale trailer is used to transport bales."/>
<text name="function_feeder" text="A forage mixer wagon blends silage, hay and straw bales together to a mixture that can be fed to cows."/>
<text name="function_feederBale" text="This machine takes straw bales and uses them to cover the ground of a cow stable with straw."/>
<text name="function_augerWagon" text="Auger wagons (also known as chaser bins) are trailers that have their own screw conveyor. You can use them to store your crop and directly unload it into other trailers."/>
<text name="function_weight" text="A weight helps keeping a tractor's wheels on the ground and improves its balance."/>
<text name="function_forestryPlanter" text="This piece of machinery plants new trees into the ground. You can buy pallets of saplings at the garden center to fill this planter."/>
<text name="function_forestryCutter" text="This machine can cut down trees."/>
<text name="function_forestryTransport" text="This vehicle can transport tree logs."/>
<text name="function_forestryWoodCrusher" text="This machine breaks trunks into wood chips."/>
<text name="function_car" text="Driving a car allows you to quickly travel from A to B."/>
<text name="function_overloaderBox" text="With a receiving hopper you can fill potatoes into boxes or transfer them to a transport belt."/>
<text name="function_overloaderExtension" text="A transport belt connects a receiving hopper and a store loader."/>
<text name="function_storageFiller" text="With a store loader you can fill a storage."/>
<text name="function_tank" text="Tanks transport liquids."/>
<text name="function_stumpCutter" text="This machinery cuts tree stumps."/>
<text name="function_refill" text="This pallet of saplings is used to fill the tree planter."/>
<text name="function_truck" text="A truck can attach semitrailers."/>
<text name="function_frontloader" text="Frontloaders are used to stack and load various goods."/>
<text name="function_wheelLoader" text="Wheel loaders are used to stack and load various goods."/>
<text name="function_telehandler" text="Telehandlers are used to stack and load various goods."/>
<text name="function_frontloaderTool" text="Use this attachment in combination with a frontloader."/>
<text name="function_wheelLoaderTool" text="Use this attachment in combination with a wheel loaders."/>
<text name="function_telehandlerTool" text="Use this attachment in combination with a telehandler."/>
<text name="function_lowLoader" text="This trailer can transport other vehicles."/>
<text name="function_placeable" text="This object generates money over time."/>
<text name="function_highPressureWasher" text="With this machine you can clean dirty vehicles and tools."/>
<text name="function_chainsaw" text="Using a chainsaw you can cut down trees."/>

<!-- Shop Categories -->
<text name="category_tractors" text="Tractors"/>
<text name="category_frontLoaders" text="Front Loaders"/>
<text name="category_harvesters" text="Harvesters"/>
<text name="category_cutters" text="Headers"/>
<text name="category_cutterTrailers" text="Header Trailers" id="7963"/>
<text name="category_potatoHarvesting" text="Potato Harvesting"/>
<text name="category_beetHarvesting" text="Beet Harvesting"/>
<text name="category_tippers" text="Tippers"/>
<text name="category_dollys" text="Dollys"/>
<text name="category_cultivators" text="Cultivators"/>
<text name="category_discHarrows" text="Disc Harrows"/>
<text name="category_plows" text="Plows"/>
<text name="category_sowingMachines" text="Sowing Machines"/>
<text name="category_fertilizerSpreaders" text="Fertilizer Spreaders"/>
<text name="category_sprayers" text="Sprayers"/>
<text name="category_manureSpreaders" text="Manure Spreaders"/>
<text name="category_slurryTanks" text="Slurry Tanks"/>
<text name="category_mowers" text="Mowers"/>
<text name="category_windrowers" text="Windrowers"/>
<text name="category_tedders" text="Tedders"/>
<text name="category_loaderWagons" text="Loading Wagons"/>
<text name="category_baling" text="Baling Technology"/>
<text name="category_feeding" text="Feeding Technology"/>
<text name="category_weights" text="Weights"/>
<text name="category_cars" text="Cars"/>
<text name="category_misc" text="Misc"/>
<text name="category_chainsaws" text="Chainsaws"/>
<text name="category_animals" text="Animals"/>
<text name="category_sales" text="Sales"/>
<text name="category_augerWagons" text="Auger Wagons" />
<text name="category_wood" text="Forestry Equipment" />
<text name="category_placeables" text="Placeables"/>
<text name="category_wheelLoaders" text="Wheel Loaders"/>
<text name="category_trucks" text="Trucks"/>
<text name="category_teleLoaders" text="Telehandlers" />

I'm no modder but hope this helps

Roy Ouwerkerk (DeDenker) 06.11.2014 19:21
Yes, this really helps!
Thank you!

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