Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId Bga

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created17.11.2016 17:04

António Rocha (Gigabbyte) 17.11.2016 17:08
Hello, I'm editing a map and decided to duplicate the BGA. It turns out that this error appears in the log: "Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId Bga". Is there any way to fix this error? What I wanted was to have 2 Bga's on my map. How can I do without having this error? Someone can help me? Thank you

William Rowe (Bonger76) 17.11.2016 18:04
you have to copy the bga in your map01 xml. so that thier is two different bga in your map01 xml. with different names in the Idex like BGA_BUNKER_2,BGA_BUNKER_SILO2 and change the bga index name in giants that should fix that error,
dajnet mods on youTube shows you how to do it in the last map class he did.

Hope that helps

António Rocha (Gigabbyte) 17.11.2016 19:07
I already did this but the error still appears.

<!-- BGA -->
<tipTrigger index="BGA_BUNKER" stationName="station_bgaBunkerGCV" appearsOnPDA="true" isAreaTrigger="true" isSellingPoint="true" triggerWidth="2.5" litersForFullPriceDrop="300000" fullPriceRecoverHours="48">
<fillType name="silage" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" allowTrailers="false" />
<fillType name="liquidManure" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" allowTrailers="true" />
<fillType name="manure" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" allowTrailers="false" />

<tipTrigger index="BGA_BUNKER2" stationName="station_bgaBunkerGCV" appearsOnPDA="true" isAreaTrigger="true" isSellingPoint="true" triggerWidth="2.5" litersForFullPriceDrop="300000" fullPriceRecoverHours="48">
<fillType name="silage" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" allowTrailers="false" />
<fillType name="liquidManure" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" allowTrailers="true" />
<fillType name="manure" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" allowTrailers="false" />

<tipTrigger index="BGA_BUNKER_SILO" stationName="station_bgaBunkerSilo" appearsOnPDA="false" isAreaTrigger="true" isSellingPoint="false" triggerWidth="6" >
<fillType name="chaff" priceScale="0" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="grass_windrow" priceScale="0" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="dryGrass_windrow" priceScale="0" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" />

<tipTrigger index="BGA_BUNKER_SILO2" stationName="station_bgaBunkerSilo" appearsOnPDA="false" isAreaTrigger="true" isSellingPoint="false" triggerWidth="6" >
<fillType name="chaff" priceScale="0" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="grass_windrow" priceScale="0" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" />
<fillType name="dryGrass_windrow" priceScale="0" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="false" />

I can not find any indication of "BGA_BUNKER_SILO2" in the giants.

William Rowe (Bonger76) 18.11.2016 19:18
the station name might need to have a change and the silos have to have a different number
silo001 to silo006
silo002 to silo007
silo003 to silo008
silo004 to silo009
silo005 to silo010

António Rocha (Gigabbyte) 18.11.2016 23:17
I already tried this and the error continues to appear.

If I rename the station, another error appears in the log file.

Can you explain to me in detail how to do?

William Rowe (Bonger76) 24.11.2016 04:24
this how to fix that error just fond out and tried it and get no bga error.copy the the bga plant put it were you whant it ,change the BGA_BUNKER to BGA_BUNKER2 in GE in the tipTrigger1 transform group and then copy and past it in your map01xml. and change it to
index="BGA_BUNKER2" now in GE the attributes in biogasPlantFacility tranform group you have to add an attribute name is saveId and check string and add then then add bga2 in the saveId box, that is a cap i in saveId you still have to change yuor silo number those are thier saveId number in the saved game,and copy and add "BGA_BUNKER_SILO" rename "BGA_BUNKER_SILO2" and you can change the station name after the BGA_BUNKER2 to what ever you whant to show on the PDA I also changed the silo station name dont know if it makes any diffrents to "station_bgaBunkerSilo2" I did all this and no errors , i have not add or gass and made silage but it should work fine if you go to dajnet at twitch he shows you how to do all this in video #8

hope this helps sorry it took so long

António Rocha (Gigabbyte) 25.11.2016 00:19

You are my man! I'm kidding!
After so many hours and so many questions asked in various forums trying to solve this error the only thing that was missing was to add a string saveId. I am very grateful for the help.
It was for you that I was able to solve this error, so thank you very much.
What I can help is just to say. Gigabbyte

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