it's a together tap game

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created28.11.2016 14:26

Gombar Gabor (Unknown) 28.11.2016 14:37
it's a together tap game.
1.mi his sense the tree for a cut in the agriculture?.
2.We his sense it if neither the texturákon,neither nothing changed on the agricultural machine?
3.The picture is jumping in a camera view,not only inside,than if there would be lag
4.Agricultural machine that the game they are, come on that wheel solution
5.the game caused many bad experiences

N0tr3ady (n0tr3adY) 28.11.2016 16:12
First of all, u should learn english, instead of using google translate.
Second, this forum is for modding, not for whining. Post your text to "Feedback".


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