Error loadVehicle: unknown type

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created09.12.2016 15:00

Arthur Benjamin (Unknown) 09.12.2016 15:01

I have some error in mod

in log file

Error loadVehicle: unknown type 'AAA_us_trailer_7.tank' in 'C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/AAA_us_trailer_7/US_Trailer_7.xml'

in modDesc.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<modDesc descVersion="32">
<author> author </author>
<multiplayer supported="true"/>
<type name="tank" className="Vehicle" filename="$dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua">
<specialization name="attacherJoints"/>
<specialization name="lights"/>
<specialization name="attachable"/>
<specialization name="animatedVehicle"/>
<specialization name="cylindered"/>
<specialization name="fuelTrailer" />
<specialization name="fillable"/>
<specialization name="trailer" />
<specialization name="fillVolume"/>
<specialization name="powerConsumer"/>
<specialization name="waterTrailer" />
<specialization name="overloading"/>
<specialization name="washable"/>
<specialization name="mountable" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="US_Trailer_7.xml" />
<brand name="US_Trailer" title="US_Trailer" image="tanklorry_Trailer/"/>

in US_Trailer_7.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<vehicle type="tank">

/// wheel, animation,light and so on..

<components count="1">
<component1 centerOfMass="0.00 0.575 0" solverIterationCount="10"/>

<schemaOverlay file="$dataS2/menu/schemas/implementSchema.png" fileSelected="$dataS2/menu/schemas/implementSchemaSelected.png" width="0.5" height="0.5" attacherJointPosition="0 0"/>

any help?


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 10.12.2016 19:22
You need to have the <specialization> descriptions in a certain order.
Every spec. LUA has an introducing validation part "prerequisitesPresent(specializations)" and many specs expect certain prerequisites as defined. If not, the validation returns an error and you get the "unknown type" in log.
See for reference "sdk/vehicleTypes.xml" in your FS17 install folder.

Arthur Benjamin (Unknown) 11.12.2016 03:53
Thanks for your help. I will check that first.

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