Imported buildings doors do not function

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created21.01.2017 23:10

Matthew Matthews (Unknown) 21.01.2017 23:16
Hello everyone,

I was trying to import buildings from another mod, the buildings work (lights and doors) in the original mod/map. I opened up the original map, selected the entire transform group (of the building) and "export all selected including files" (and keep the parent structure) into a folder within my new map. I open up my new map, "import" the building, place it. And then open my map in the game, and none of the building controls show up when I approach the doors or light switches. Any ideas as to what I am missing?


Matthew Matthews (Unknown) 21.01.2017 23:24
To add: just noticed that when I exported all with files, it did not include the "annimatedobjects.xml" files for the mod. A few other files were missing as well. So, am I still missing something when exporting? Can I just unzip the original mod, and then copy all of the contents into a folder in my map mod and import them from there?

Matthew Matthews (Unknown) 21.01.2017 23:32
To add: just noticed that when I exported all with files, it did not include the "annimatedobjects.xml" files for the mod. A few other files were missing as well. So, am I still missing something when exporting? Can I just unzip the original mod, and then copy all of the contents into a folder in my map mod and import them from there?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 21.01.2017 23:37
Objects which are controlled by a LUA script have to be adapted manually in many cases.
Make sure, the object's user attribute links to an existing script and all prepositions/variables the script requires are valid.
Note also, that several standard scripts now expect setup variables in a dedicated XML.
If the object uses a non-standard (mod) script, might be it doesn't work under FS17 anymore.

Bob Beerbower (chaseydog) 24.01.2017 10:23
This support thread on FSUK helped me understand how to get the gates working

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