Change width of wheels fs17,

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created22.01.2017 22:57

Luc Biermans (Unknown) 22.01.2017 23:01
Where I can adjust the width of the wheels. In the xml of the wheels or Gaints editor?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 23.01.2017 15:15
You'll find the standard wheels in "data/vehicles/wheels/.."
Load your favorite wheel into GE, do an "export all with files" and copy it into your mod vehicle folder. There you can edit the wheel.i3d. It's a good idea to 'freeze' your changes after you finished editing.
Finally adapt your mod vehicle.xml so it now uses your mod'ed wheels instead the standard ones.

Luc Biermans (Unknown) 24.01.2017 00:17
Thanks for your reply. But I have done that and the wheels will show up in the game. Only the edits don't show up (making the wheels wider) I have adapted the x-scale from the rimms and the tires in GE.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 24.01.2017 14:13
There must be something wrong in your file pathes. Either in the i3d or in your XML.
Especially search for old links to "$data..".
Just the default wheels' XMLs always point to install folder.

Luc Biermans (Unknown) 25.01.2017 21:48
I found the problem. In GE were something wrong

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