Category | Farming Simulator 17 |
Created | 22.01.2017 22:57 |
Luc Biermans (Unknown) | 22.01.2017 23:01 |
Where I can adjust the width of the wheels. In the xml of the wheels or Gaints editor? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 23.01.2017 15:15 |
You'll find the standard wheels in "data/vehicles/wheels/.." Load your favorite wheel into GE, do an "export all with files" and copy it into your mod vehicle folder. There you can edit the wheel.i3d. It's a good idea to 'freeze' your changes after you finished editing. Finally adapt your mod vehicle.xml so it now uses your mod'ed wheels instead the standard ones. |
Luc Biermans (Unknown) | 24.01.2017 00:17 |
Thanks for your reply. But I have done that and the wheels will show up in the game. Only the edits don't show up (making the wheels wider) I have adapted the x-scale from the rimms and the tires in GE. |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 24.01.2017 14:13 |
There must be something wrong in your file pathes. Either in the i3d or in your XML. Especially search for old links to "$data..". Just the default wheels' XMLs always point to install folder. |
Luc Biermans (Unknown) | 25.01.2017 21:48 |
I found the problem. In GE were something wrong |
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