Animated Objects

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created04.03.2017 19:49

Alex Willson (Unknown) 04.03.2017 19:51
Hello Guys :) . Could you help me please ? Im looking for tutorial - How to add to map Animated Objects like in map Old Streams Map where you can open gates and doors :) Thanks for answer :)

Daniel Böhm (Unknown) 30.03.2017 15:50
Try this one...
He is building his own map based on Gold Crest Valley.

This could be interested, too! Just Copy & Paste the lines below for your modDesc.xml

<text name="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR">
<en>Open door</en>
<de>Tor öffnen</de>
<text name="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_DOOR">
<en>Close door</en>
<de>Tor schließen</de>
<text name="input_LIGHTSWITCH_CLICK">
<en>Lightswitch on/off</en>
<de>Lichtschalter an/aus</de>
<text name="input_GATE_MOVE">
<en>Gate Open/Close</en>
<de>Tor öffnen/schließen</de>

<input name="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" category="ONFOOT" key1="" key2="" device="0" button="BUTTON_3" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT" />
<input name="ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_DOOR" category="ONFOOT" key1="" key2="" device="0" button="BUTTON_3" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" />
<input name="LIGHTSWITCH_CLICK" category="ONFOOT" key1="" key2="" device="0" button="BUTTON_3" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT" />
<input name="GATE_MOVE" category="ONFOOT" key1="" key2="" device="0" button="BUTTON_3" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT" />


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