Straw plane issue

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created29.06.2017 08:49

Stephen Westcott (swestcott) 29.06.2017 08:49
Hi all,

Can someone explain please what this means. One moment it was fine the next time I looked this error appeared and I didn't change anything related to the cows.

My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Bridgewater/maps/map01.i3d (2957.46) ms
Warning (physics): Add trigger callback failed, object start is not a physics trigger.
Warning (physics): Add trigger callback failed, object width is not a physics trigger.
Warning (physics): Add trigger callback failed, object height is not a physics trigger.
Error: getChildAt index out of range.
LUA call stack:
dataS/scripts/animals/AnimalHusbandry.lua (157) : getChildAt
dataS/scripts/animals/AnimalHusbandry.lua (26) : load
Warning (physics): Add trigger callback failed, object strawPlanes is not a physics trigger.
Error: index out of range
LUA call stack:
dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (11) : printCallstack
dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (65) : checkChildIndex
dataS/scripts/animals/AnimalHusbandry.lua (244) : indexToObject
dataS/scripts/animals/AnimalHusbandry.lua (26) : load
Index: 0>0|5

Thanks in advance.

David Erickson (dle0105) 30.06.2017 06:33
Cows aren't the only animals that use the strawPlane. Looks like you deleted or moved something in the scenegraph. Transform groups are calling for triggers that your strawPlane and (presumably) dirtAreas are occupying.

Have a look here for a general idea of what I am talking about:

Make sure the numbers match with all your animals.

They won't necessarily be the same as mine though.

For instance, if you transform group is calling for the strawPlane index to be 2, then make sure your strawPlane is 2 in the group.

Stephen Westcott (swestcott) 24.07.2017 04:41
Thanks David worked a treat....mesh was in wrong order.

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