must have the same properties as the other textures

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created21.08.2017 14:04

Yatsenko Sergey (Unknown) 21.08.2017 14:04
Error: Terrain distance texture 'D:/Desktop/FS17_Reshetilovka/foliage/soybean_diffuse.png' must have the same properties as the other textures
Heip please !

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 21.08.2017 16:11

properties of an image file are mainly its size and its bit depth (incorporates amount of layers), but alos the format.

If you analyze the original image/texture file you will surely find some hints on what you might have done wrong.


Dustin Wilkins (CaptainP00per) 27.12.2017 05:24
I got the same error, cant figure it out, wanted to add a new texture, basically duplicated everything from beach sand, then changed the file names to my file names and the id numbers up by a thousand to avoid conflicts. got this error "must have the same properties as the other textures" indicating that the ***_distance_diffuse.png was the problem in my textures folder. I looked at the other textures, they're all dds files, all 256x256 pixel. cant see anything else that is different beyond the file size is 43KB on all the stock files and its 86KB on my new file. no idea why or how to figure it out.

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