Category | Farming Simulator 17 |
Created | 10.09.2017 21:41 |
Luca Braun (Bigfarmer145) | 10.09.2017 21:41 |
Hello everyone! I'm currently trying to animate a chain. Is it possible to control the meshScrollShader with movingTool? Roughly like this: <movingTool index="0>8|0|1|0"> <controls axis="AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM" invertAxis="false" mouseSpeedFactor="3" iconFilename="$dataS2/menu/moveControls/crane_arm2_trans.png" /> <meshScroll scrollSpeed="0.9934" scrollAcceleration="20" lengthAndRadius="2.0 0.5 0 0" scrollPositionMin="0.90" scrollPositionMax="2.85" /> </movingTool> If not, Would it be possible with a Script? |
Emil Drefers (Unknown) | 11.09.2017 08:41 |
Hi, not directly. But you can control an animation with a movingTool. Animations can adjust shaderParameters. (shaderParameter, shaderStartValues, shaderEndValues) A script can do 'everything' ;) Cheers, Emil |
Luca Braun (Bigfarmer145) | 11.09.2017 08:41 |
Ok, that went quickly. thanks to S.Maurus i have the Solution: first: create an Animation like this, where you change the shader Parameter: <animation animname="abc" part node="0>8|0|1|0" startTime="0" endTime="10" shaderParameter="meshScroll" shaderStartValues="0.90 0 0 0" shaderEndValues="2.85 0 0 0"/> <animation/> second: steer the Animation via Movingtool like this: <movingTool index="0>8|0|1|0" playSound="true" > <controls axis="AXIS_WHEEL_BASE" invertAxis="false" mouseSpeedFactor="0.7" iconFilename="$dataS2/menu/moveControls/wheelBase.png" /> <animation animName="abc" animSpeed="0.4" /> </movingTool> Well that means you can change every shader by animation, even like the Colorscale if it is build in, wich opens a whole new world to me, and maybe to you reader. |
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