Second UV Map - Maya isn't exporting correctly?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created22.10.2017 23:40

Hehe Hehe (noNaim) 22.10.2017 23:40

I tried using a second UV Map for the Specular an Normal Texture. UV Linking in Maya seems to be right but when i export it, the Giants Editor is using the Default UV Map for all Textures. I applied an old Specular Texture which belonged to the Default Map to verify my assumption.
Is there anything more to take care of when using a second UV Map? Everything looks fine in Maya.

Thanks in advance!

N0tr3ady (n0tr3adY) 23.10.2017 17:37

You have to assign a shader too which uses the secondaryUVmap (like buildingShader.xml).


Hehe Hehe (noNaim) 28.10.2017 09:15

thank you for helping! I received a few tipps from another forum so i want to complete the information in this thread so that others can learn from it too:
You can use the buildingshader or the vehicleShader and set it to "Decals" when you want to use a second UV map. The Problem is: UV linking can't be exported correctly to use in the Giants Editor! The Shaders are set up to use the UVmaps as follows:
UVmap1: diffuse, normal
UVmap2: specular

So you can take that in consideration when you lay out your UVs.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

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