cant paint terrain

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created06.04.2018 15:17

Brian Sanders (Unknown) 06.04.2018 15:17
when i go to add concrete or dirt or any texture, nothing happens. just says grass 100% wont let me add any textures. is there a bug?

Marcel Peters (Unknown) 06.04.2018 20:51
Same Issue :( working for a fix. I also have the problem that GE only uses one Core of eight... I74790k... my GPU 1080ti is idleing at 1%

Anthony Queen (tqueen113) 07.04.2018 01:11
make sure you have Terrain Detail Layer Paint mode enabled at the top

Markus Wita (markus2325) 22.09.2018 20:15
ne frage ich wo finde ich die liste von der Bepflanzung??

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