Recreate Ground Collision Map HELP

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created02.07.2018 18:00

Roger Cote (GreasyX) 02.07.2018 18:00

trying to get clean map to build on
need to Recreate Ground Collision Map for FS17
can some one please head me in any direction
I am trying to become a new map creator
but need to get all the basics down first
can get clean flat map to start but need to get all files to reflect this action
as in tipColInfoLayer an infolayer both grle files
and Ground Collision Map
can thous be reset to reflect new map ?

Thank's for your time
Roger C GreasyX

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.07.2018 20:29
Ever looked into GE menus?
Scripts -> FS17 -> Map -> Create Ground Collision Map

Roger Cote (GreasyX) 03.07.2018 03:58
an first off thank's for wasting your time helping !
i feel like a complete noob here.
did the map (boy that was to easy )ty again
but still having blank spots in grass fields while moving where building once where their and been removed to increase the size of a field
so what would i need to do for this ?
can you tell me if the tipColInfo.grle files update as you go but leave behind what was already their ?
anyone any help would be appreciated !!

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