Cow Nav Mesh will not recreate

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created19.09.2018 04:10

Jeffery Williamson (jeff_w_180) 19.09.2018 04:10
I'm working on my first map, and the starter map that I'm using already has nav meshes. When I try to put the cow zone where I want it and recreate the cow nav mash the old one will not disappear. When I tested the map and purchased cows they appear at the original mesh. I am setting the radius to 1.2, the Shape build mask to 0, and the culling layer channel to 0 and selecting "recreate". Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing?

Jeffery Williamson (jeff_w_180) 19.09.2018 05:57
I figured it out. I wasn't selecting the old nav mesh in the scenegraph, so all I was doing was creating a new mesh instead of recreating the old one. Now, I got to figure out why it's not accepting straw. LOL!

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