Cant find log.txt

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created04.10.2018 22:24

Thomas H (Unknown) 04.10.2018 22:24
And no its not in ...appdata/...
Have no appdata!
7.1.0 installed

Can open GE but no load maploading - nordfriesische marsch

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 05.10.2018 08:13
Preconditioned you're using Windows:

The game's "log.txt" is in "C:\Users\{USER}\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2017" - can be changed in the "game.xml".

The GE "editor_log.txt" is in "C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Local\GIANTS Editor 64bit 7.1.0" - can be changed in the GE preferences.

Blobbyfarmer (blobbyfarmer) 06.10.2018 13:41
Select View > Options > Change folder and search options.
Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, then follow instructions above

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