FS19 Animated Objects in maps?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created15.12.2018 05:32

Darrell Cunningham (bullitt) 15.12.2018 05:32
So after Giants telling us that Animated Objects (specifically Animated Doors) would be added back in 19 via patch 1.2, I have not been able to make them work on a map without making the buildings placeable. Anyone had any luck so far with it? I am not even surprised by the empty promises of Giants anymore. You would honestly think that Animated Doors and objects would just be apart of the base game by now but evidently something this simple is far above the knowledge of Giants developers?

William Rowe (Bonger76) 15.12.2018 23:58
somone over one the fs forum side they got them working just like 17 AnimatedOjects.xml he said they changer it to animatedMapObjects so change in GE and .xml so not like 17 and I changed every thing to the new animatedMapObjects and still can't get it to work ask for an example but has not replied back ,Giants should show us the changes look in thier .lua doc and can't find any animatedMapObjects ,so with the animatedMapObjects and you get it working please let us know how.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 16.12.2018 07:12
lua doc animatedMapObjects:

William Rowe (Bonger76) 16.12.2018 18:11
Ok changed the AnimatedOblects.onCreate in map.i3d to animatedMapObjects.onCreate and it loads the AnimatedOblects .xml in map and
the game saves them in the onCreateLoadedObjects .xml but they don't work in map no errors any thoughts

<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_09" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_06" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_11" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_07" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_04" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_05" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_14" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_02" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_03" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_13" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_10" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_08" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<onCreateLoadedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_gate_01" time="0.000000" direction="0"/>

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 16.12.2018 21:33
Did you setup the controlling xml file properly? According to FS17DoorTriggerSDK?
Notice: there's no explicite error/warning if the xml couldn't be read.

William Rowe (Bonger76) 17.12.2018 02:57
fixed it, this how I had it in FS17 and it worked,

<animatedObject index="gate_01">
<controls posKey="GATE_MOVE" triggerNode="0" posText="input_GATE_MOVE" negText="input_GATE_MOVE" />
<sound file="maps/sounds/click6.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />
<animation initialTime="0" duration="6">
<part node="1|0">
<keyFrame time="0.35" rotation="0 0 0" />
<keyFrame time="1" rotation="0 -90 0" />
<part node="1|1">
<keyFrame time="0.35" rotation="0 0 0" />
<keyFrame time="1" rotation="0 90 0" />

this is how it is now,and works

<animatedObject index="gate_01" >
<animation duration="1.5">
<part node="1|0">
<keyFrame time="0.0" rotation="0 0 0"/>
<keyFrame time="1.0" rotation="0 -90 0"/>
<part node="1|1">
<keyFrame time="0.0" rotation="0 0 0"/>
<keyFrame time="1.0" rotation="0 90 0"/>
<controls triggerNode="0" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="action_openGate" negText="action_closeGate" />
<moving file="$data/sounds/prefab/gate/gate_loop.wav" loops="0" linkNode="1" volume="0.8" radius="25" innerRadius="3" fadeOut="0.25"/>
<posEnd file="$data/sounds/prefab/gate/gate_opened.wav" linkNode="1" volume="0.8" radius="25" innerRadius="3" />
<negEnd file="$data/sounds/prefab/gate/gate_closed.wav" linkNode="1" volume="0.8" radius="25" innerRadius="3" />
best guess is it was the controls itwhont load l10n_ and input stuff from modDesc anymore

Darrell Cunningham (bullitt) 17.12.2018 04:12
Bonger76 I have still not been able to make it work in the map i3d but if I take the same building and doors and make it a placeable mod I can make it work. It absolutely makes no sense

William Rowe (Bonger76) 17.12.2018 05:32
these are the attributes and this what it should look like in your .i3d when you look at it in notepad++,

<UserAttribute nodeId="105185">
<Attribute name="index" type="string" value="gate_01"/>
<Attribute name="onCreate" type="scriptCallback" value="AnimatedMapObject.onCreate"/>
<Attribute name="xmlFilename" type="string" value="maps/AnimatedObject.xml"/>

the .xml stiring is were ever that is at and your object, door, gate, transform group has to be in a persice order and all need to look like this in GE

gate_01 ---has the attributes--
trigger---the <controls triggerNode="0"
double gates --under thier group you have your doors or gates
gateright --- <part node="1|0">
gateleft----- <part node="1|1">

this is what it looks like in your AnimatedObject.xml

<animatedObject index="gate_01" >
<animation duration="1.5">
<part node="1|0">
<keyFrame time="0.0" rotation="0 0 0"/>
<keyFrame time="1.0" rotation="0 -90 0"/>
<part node="1|1">
<keyFrame time="0.0" rotation="0 0 0"/>
<keyFrame time="1.0" rotation="0 90 0"/>
<controls triggerNode="0" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="action_openGate" negText="action_closeGate" />
<moving file="$data/sounds/prefab/gate/gate_loop.wav" loops="0" linkNode="1" volume="0.8" radius="25" innerRadius="3" fadeOut="0.25"/>
<posEnd file="$data/sounds/prefab/gate/gate_opened.wav" linkNode="1" volume="0.8" radius="25" innerRadius="3" />
<negEnd file="$data/sounds/prefab/gate/gate_closed.wav" linkNode="1" volume="0.8" radius="25" innerRadius="3" />

the only thing you change for the next object is animatedObject index name that has to mach the object in.i3d and the rotation or transiton if they are different,the trigger iand the part nodes dont change,if you have a slidding door it uses transition and not rotation and if only one door or gate just remove the second part node.

hope this helps and doesn't make you more confused

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