Changing placeable height.

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created24.12.2018 11:29

Brandon Ward (djbr33zy) 24.12.2018 11:29
I am pretty new to modding for the FS series and most everything seems to be straight forward except i cannot figure out how to change default placeable height for the life of me. Just for example in blender i created a cube with a couple sub-divisions, exported it to giants editor making sure it was a rigid body, applied a cruddy texture to it then saved it. I then made the .xmls to go along with it. It shows up in the mod list and store fine but when i go to place it it always gets put halfway in the ground and i cannot figure out why. Other than that it works great, it will place, it has its correct texture, and there are no errors in the log.

Any ideas would be awesome! Thanks!

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 24.12.2018 14:46
If you open your cube.i3d in GE, you'll see that the cube is half under the surface (enable "show grid" to see). And just so it will be placed.
Move the cube so that it is above the surface/grid and execute on transform group edit -> "freeze transformations" (or by rightclick), checkbox Translate, Preserve Instances

Brandon Ward (djbr33zy) 25.12.2018 02:05
That did it for me! Thank you very much! You saved my sanity sir. lol Merry Christmas!

Brandon Ward (djbr33zy) 25.12.2018 02:05
That did it for me! Thank you very much! You saved my sanity sir. lol Merry Christmas!

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