FS22 map converting to FS25

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 25

CategoryFarming Simulator 25
Created28.10.2024 16:53

Damian Budzak (DamianDev) 28.10.2024 16:53
Hello guys, I'm thinking about creating my own simple map that I could use right after the release FS25 in the game for my youtube channel let's play. Will it be easy to convert from 22 to 25 then? or will it be better to start creating the map after the release FS25?
Thank you

Alan Theulot (AlanTheulot) 10.11.2024 21:08
Salut a toi, sachant que beaucoup de chose vont changer je pense qu'il est préférable pour toi d'attendre ;)

Emanuel Schäffauer (Emanuel83) 22.11.2024 16:33
I fear there is one point: to use the new terrain density of FS25 the dem must be 2049x2049.
FS22 had 1025x1025. If you increase the pixel in any prog like gimp you will have steps in your dem which need smooting (e.g. in GE) this sounds not like much, but you may believe is a lot of work, like creating a map from new...

Rene Schuster (Rene23) 22.11.2024 18:38
I would also try to converting my 16x map into fs25. How can i do? Because i'm a noob in converting,but a good mooder since fs22
The 16x script also don't work.

Emanuel Schäffauer (Emanuel83) 23.11.2024 10:24
Need to revise my last comment: dont convert the dem file with paint net.
I did not use Gimp in first place to increase the size.
But with Gimp its working fine, seems it does interpolate the new area between the existing and you get a smooth terrain.
How to convert, check some YT videos they are showing all needed how to convert.
Generally I create an empty nmap e.g. from the US map, delete eveything, set the terrssin to 0, clean all foliage, masks etc.
Be sure that the i3d is correctly linked to the data folder of your map else you will overwrite the base game files.
I cant describe the whole process cause its a lot but just search YT

Rene Schuster (Rene23) 23.11.2024 19:58
Terrain is loading in GE, but some weights need a 8bit channel. I has inportet 2 weights from the old map (grass) and was upgrading the others to 8192*8192. I testing it out myself how it would go.

Mr Merzi (Merzi) 24.11.2024 07:00
There are some problems in the fs 25 with 16 compartment maps. Take a look at this post.

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