material and color assignment

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 25

CategoryFarming Simulator 25
Created09.12.2024 17:02

Marcus Runge (Marcus8490) 09.12.2024 17:02
Hey there Community, i´m pretty new to modding and curious about how can i assign materials with specific color to something in the vehicle.xml? for example i want to edit the saloon of a tractor and the platic parts are black in original.xml i want to upgrade it to wood with color Case IH black. it´s just an example

there are two xml files in /data/shared that take part of this combination
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 25\data\shared\detailLibrary\materialTemplates.xml"
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 25\data\shared\brandMaterialTemplates.xml"

but how do i combine them in mymod.xml to tell the game its black wood? i allway ran into the normal wood or just case ih black.

can someone please help me at this point?


Ron Smith (pasnthru99) 20.12.2024 20:24
make a copy of those xml files, put them in your mod folder, and reference them with the moddesc xml

Andreas Klabunde (Wobby) 09.01.2025 11:39
Can you please tell me whow this reference have to be ??
I have try this wise :
<template xmlFilename="xml/brandMaterialTemplates.xml"/>
<template xmlFilename="xml/materialTemplates.xml"/>
but works not :-(

Andreas Klabunde (Wobby) 09.01.2025 12:02

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