Blender Error

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 25

CategoryFarming Simulator 25
Created31.12.2024 19:21

Christopher Givens (cgator97) 31.12.2024 19:21
Hi, I'm new to modding and really trying to learn the process to contribute to the community. I'm using blender and trying to link my vehicleShader.xml to the material section under the Giants I3D Exporter tab. It does not automatically recognize the path so I will manually choose the correct path (For me it is:

ProgramFiles(x86)/Steam/Steamapps/common/FarmingSimulator25/data/shaders/vehicleShader.xml) and when I do I get this error:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/shared/brandMaterialTemplates.xml

The issue is, when I go into the game files, that pathway can be found with the xml file. I'm not sure why it doesn't recognize it. Again. I am very new to modding, but very coachable and willing to learn. If I am trying to use the vehicleShader.xml, why is it looking for a different pathway for brandMaterialTemplates.xml? When I open the vehicleShaders.xml there is a line that says <ParameterTemplate id="brandColor" filename=$data/shared/brandMaterialTemplates.xml"/>

Not sure if there is enough information there to solve my issue but any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Edited to say I'm not sure if its a Blender issue or a Farm Sim File issue so if I am posted in the wrong subsection, please forgive my ignorance.

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 31.12.2024 20:11
Search YouTube for LAMBO, he has some good Blender setup videos for both FS22 & FS25.

In the GIANTS I3D Exporter, do you have the "Game Location" set on the Export TAB?

Watch the Video Tutorials 5.0 for Farming Simulator 22 to see what I mean. "Installation of .i3d Exporter" Video Time around 3:05

Christopher Givens (cgator97) 31.12.2024 21:51
The video you linked with the time stamp around 3:05 was my issue! Thank you so much for the help! I will definitely be checking out LAMBO as well.

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 01.01.2025 00:46
Warning: Making objects un-selectable can cause issues when exporting the i3d from Blender.

TIP: Object names that end with "_ignore" will NOT be exported.

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