Animation reset

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 25

CategoryFarming Simulator 25
Created01.01.2025 06:21

nuggzy 01.01.2025 06:21
I have an item moving when it's clicked on. It slides down then rotates and comes back to the starting position. The problem is the next time I click it, that plays in reverse. Maybe because it thinks it's still in the last loop I guess. How do I get it to reset and play the same animation the next time it's clicked?

nuggzy 08.01.2025 00:49
I come and sit here every now and then, just to listen to the crickets......

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 08.01.2025 20:27
Back in FS22 I remember seeing a GIANTS xml where the animation script could be started in the middle. If I remember what mod it was from I'll let you know. It might have been on a bale wagon.

nuggzy 16.01.2025 18:40
<animation duration="1">
<part node="pusher">
<keyFrame time="0.0" translation="0 0 3.762"/>
<keyFrame time="0.4" translation="0 0 -3.762"/>
<keyFrame time="0.6" translation="0 2 -3.762"/>
<keyFrame time="0.8" translation="0 2 3.762"/>
<keyFrame time="1.0" translation="0 0 3.762"/>

<controls triggerNode="triggerPusher" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="palletpusheropen" negText="palletpusherclose" />

This is the animation sequence. The problem is when clicked the second time it plays the frames in reverse. How do I stop that? I tried deleting the negText but that didn't help.

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