Unload seeder into silo

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 25

CategoryFarming Simulator 25
Created01.01.2025 17:21

mcouille 01.01.2025 17:21
Hello everyone,

I would like to be able to empty my seeder, the "solid stand 1500", into a silo.

the basic function just allows you to unload and create the pallets.

I managed to create the function for a spreader by adding in "i3d" a "dischargeNodeBack" and the <dischargeable> in the XML.
in the game, he suggests that I empty it into a silo, or into a pallet or onto the ground in bulk. it works perfectly, but for my seeder it's another story!!

If anyone can help me find a way, I would appreciate it in advance. bye

mcouille 01.01.2025 19:05
Well I managed to find it by adding specializations in the desc :)
now he offers me to empty my seeds, but not the fertilizer... I'm drying out
just in case here is my xml:

<unloading width="6.2" offset="0 0 -3" />
<fillUnit unitTextOverride="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="seeds" fillUnitIndex="1" capacity="9270" updateMass="false" >
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRootNodeSeeds"/>
<fillUnit unitTextOverride="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="fertilizer liquidFertilizer" fillUnitIndex="2" capacity="9270" updateMass="false">
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRootNodeFertilizer"/>

<volume node="fillVolumeFertilizer01" fillUnitIndex="2" maxDelta="0.1"/>
<volume node="fillVolumeFertilizer02" fillUnitIndex="2" maxDelta="0.1"/>

<dischargeNode node="exactFillRootNode" emptySpeed="20000" fillUnitIndex="1" unloadInfoIndex="1" allowAIDischarge="true">
<info width="2.0" length="0.5" zOffset="-1"/>
<dischargeNode node="exactFillRootNode" emptySpeed="20000" fillUnitIndex="2" unloadInfoIndex="2" allowAIDischarge="true">
<info width="2.0" length="0.5" zOffset="-1"/>

mcouille 01.01.2025 19:06
Well I managed to find it by adding specializations in the desc :)
now he offers me to empty my seeds, but not the fertilizer... I'm drying out
just in case here is my xml:

<unloading width="6.2" offset="0 0 -3" />
<fillUnit unitTextOverride="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="seeds" fillUnitIndex="1" capacity="9270" updateMass="false" >
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRootNodeSeeds"/>
<fillUnit unitTextOverride="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="fertilizer liquidFertilizer" fillUnitIndex="2" capacity="9270" updateMass="false">
<exactFillRootNode node="exactFillRootNodeFertilizer"/>

<volume node="fillVolumeFertilizer01" fillUnitIndex="2" maxDelta="0.1"/>
<volume node="fillVolumeFertilizer02" fillUnitIndex="2" maxDelta="0.1"/>

<dischargeNode node="exactFillRootNode" emptySpeed="20000" fillUnitIndex="1" unloadInfoIndex="1" allowAIDischarge="true">
<info width="2.0" length="0.5" zOffset="-1"/>
<dischargeNode node="exactFillRootNode" emptySpeed="20000" fillUnitIndex="2" unloadInfoIndex="2" allowAIDischarge="true">
<info width="2.0" length="0.5" zOffset="-1"/>

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