Light Emissive

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 25

CategoryFarming Simulator 25
Created08.01.2025 23:40

Andy Sittig (Andy1992) 08.01.2025 23:40
Good evening does anyone of you know how to create an emissive light texture because I wanted to make my lights shine blue but unfortunately there is no blue emissive light texture by default and unfortunately I haven't found anything on the internet how to create such a texture

Mfg Andy

Josh Rios (UnbeatableChaos) 09.01.2025 07:24
You can change the light color itself under the particular "light" attributes in the editor. This is the light that shines on the ground. If you want the light color on the bulb itself, the way I do it is, give your light material the glow shader, then change the color to what you want, give the material a name in the slot name, say BLUELIGHT for example, and in the xml add its Index Path at the bottom. Where it says node add its index path. Use its slot name, in the example I use BLUELIGHT so to toggle it on with the light. So it would look like this
<i3dMapping id="BLUELLIGHT" node="0>3"/>. Then if this is on a vehicle, you want to scroll up to where the lights are and find where it is toggling the light. example:

<dashboard displayType="EMITTER" valueType="lightState" node="defaultLight_decals" intensity="0.5" lightTypes="0" groups="MOTOR_ACTIVE" baseColor="SHARED_BLACK4"/>

You would want to copy this and paste it on the line below it and change the node to ="BLUELIGHT"
This would activate that slot name and glowing blue light. You can change the intensity for brighter or dim. This is my work around for creating custom lights on my current builds.

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