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Editor 7.0.3 and 7.0.4 crashes

Forum Overview >> Editor

Created17.11.2016 16:54

Michele Valerio (michele1948) 17.11.2016 16:54
Version 7.0.3 and 7.0.4 have the same problem. when I delete the crops, grass, forestgrass, etc. with the right mouse button the edited crashes

Jean Maxime (Maxime) 17.11.2016 17:19
Same problem here... Can't advance in mapping, that's nice, hope that we will have a solution for this version, I delete the 7.0.4 to use the stable 7.0.2

Ekkehard Kohfeld (EKohfeld) 17.11.2016 19:12
Google translator.
In 7.04 you can now create spline again but not in a map then follow the road because you can not grab the points and if you only in the GE
A piece builds and brings into the map because there is no traffic vehicle in the GE. Lang
There are always 2 points red and blue. The true in the GE 7.02 also so.

Michele Valerio (michele1948) 18.11.2016 11:41
I am creating a map, trying to eliminate the dark forest grass. when I try to delete a specific point on the map, always the same point the editor crashes. this problem is common even when you delete large areas. There will be no solution?

Christian Ammann - GIANTS Software 18.11.2016 12:20

I've tried to reproduce the foliage subtract/delete crash. Can't reproduce it. Can you please give us exact reproduction steps?


Christian Ammann - GIANTS Software 18.11.2016 12:23
Hi Ekkehard,

Did you try to add more spline points with the Insert Key?


Martin Neubert (Unknown) 18.11.2016 13:38
same probleme here
GE 7.0.4 crashed when i try to paint townDecoGrass
only one time its working ,,,, only one time ,,,, now always crashing when i paint townDecoGrass layer.....

standard mod map coldcrestvalley , no modifications on the map .....

Michele Valerio (michele1948) 18.11.2016 14:09
this is the gisl error in the user/miki/appdata/local/shader_cache in the Giants Editor 7.04 64bit directory
uniform float4x4 viewProjMatrix : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float4x4 projMatrix : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float3x4 invViewMatrix : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float3 fogColor : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float clusterPosScale : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float3 ambientLightColor : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float clusterZScale : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float2 viewportSize : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float clusterZOffset : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float nearClip : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float farClip : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float fogStartOrDensity : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float fogEnd : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float cTime_s : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float cInvShadowMapSize : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float cShared0 : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float cShared1 : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float cShared2 : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float cShared3 : RenderArgParameters;
uniform float3 cAmbientColor : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cCosPower : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cEmissiveCoeff : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cParallaxScale : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cParallaxBias : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cReflectionCoeff : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cReflectionMapScale : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cReflectionBumpScale : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cRefractionCoeff : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float cRefractionBumpScale : StandardMaterialParams;
uniform float4 RDT;
uniform float4 colorScale;
struct VS_INPUT
float4 position : GS_ATTR_POSITION;
float4 blendWeights : GS_ATTR_BLENDWEIGHT;
float4 blendIndices : GS_ATTR_BLENDINDICES;
float4 normal : GS_ATTR_NORMAL;
float4 color : GS_ATTR_COLOR0;
float4 texCoords0 : GS_ATTR_TEXCOORD0;
float4 texCoords1 : GS_ATTR_TEXCOORD1;
float4 texCoords2 : GS_ATTR_TEXCOORD2;
float4 texCoords3 : GS_ATTR_TEXCOORD3;
float4 tangent : GS_ATTR_TANGENT;
uniform float3x4 modelMatrix : ModelMatrices;
uniform float distanceBlendThreshold : ModelMatrices;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 position : POSITION;
float2 defaultTexCoords : TEXCOORDn;
float2 screenPos : TEXCOORDn;
float screenPosZ : TEXCOORDn;
float screenPosW : TEXCOORDn;
float3 worldNormal: TEXCOORDn;
float4 worldTangent: TEXCOORDn;
float3 vertToEyeVector : TEXCOORDn;
float vertToEyeVectorProjDistance : TEXCOORDn;
float3 worldPosition : TEXCOORDn;
float4 vertexColor : TEXCOORDn;
float fogFactor : TEXCOORDn;
sampler2D baseMap;
sampler2D normalMap;
sampler2D glossMap;
samplerCUBE reflectionMap;
sampler2DHighP sceneDepthMap;
isampler3D clusterGridBuffer;
isamplerBuffer clusterLightIndexListBuffer;
samplerBuffer clusterLightsBuffer;
sampler2D DirtNmap;
struct FS_INPUT
float empty;
float4 gGloss;
float gAO;
float gDirt;
float maxSpecularIntensity;
float getAttenuation(float lightDistanceSqr)
float atten = saturate(1.0 - lightDistanceSqr);
return atten * atten;
float3 getPosition(VS_INPUT In);
float3 getTangent(VS_INPUT In);
float getBitangentSide(VS_INPUT In);
float3 getBitangent(VS_INPUT In);
float3 getNormal(VS_INPUT In);
float2 convertDefaultTexCoords(VS_INPUT In, float2 texCoords);
float2 getDefaultTexCoords(VS_INPUT In);
float2x4 getBlendedDualQuaternion(VS_INPUT In)
float2x4 blendDQ = float2x4(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
return blendDQ;
float3 skinPoint(in float3 qpoint, VS_INPUT In)
float2x4 blendDQ = getBlendedDualQuaternion(In);
float3 ret = + 2.0*cross(blendDQ[0].yzw, cross(blendDQ[0].yzw, + blendDQ[0].x*;
ret += 2.0*(blendDQ[0].x*blendDQ[1].yzw - blendDQ[1].x*blendDQ[0].yzw + cross(blendDQ[0].yzw, blendDQ[1].yzw));
return ret;
float3 skinVector(in float3 qvector, VS_INPUT In)
float2x4 blendDQ = getBlendedDualQuaternion(In);
float3 ret = + 2.0*cross(blendDQ[0].yzw, cross(blendDQ[0].yzw, + blendDQ[0].x*;
return ret;
float3 getParticleHalfSize(VS_INPUT In)
return float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float getParticleRotation(VS_INPUT In)
return 0.0;
float getParticleBlend(VS_INPUT In)
return 0.0;
float2 getParticleAtlasOffset(VS_INPUT In)
return float2(0.0, 0.0);
float3 transformParticleVector(float3 centerPosition, float3 v, float rotation, VS_INPUT In)
float sinRot, cosRot;
sincos(rotation, sinRot, cosRot);
float rotX = dot(v.xy, float2(cosRot, -sinRot));
v.y = dot(v.xy, float2(sinRot, cosRot));
v.x = rotX;
return mul(modelMatrix, v);
float3 transformParticlePoint(float3 centerPosition, float3 offsetPosition, float3 halfSize, float rotation, VS_INPUT In)
float sinRot, cosRot;
sincos(rotation, sinRot, cosRot);
offsetPosition *= halfSize;
float rotX = dot(offsetPosition.xy, float2(cosRot, -sinRot));
offsetPosition.y = dot(offsetPosition.xy, float2(sinRot, cosRot));
offsetPosition.x = rotX;
float3 pos = centerPosition+offsetPosition;
pos = mul(modelMatrix, float4(pos, 1));
return pos;
float2 transformParticleTexCoord(float2 texCoord, float2 atlasOffset, float2 invAtlasSize, VS_INPUT In)
texCoord += atlasOffset;
texCoord *= invAtlasSize;
return texCoord;
float2 getFoliageTexCoords(VS_INPUT In)
return convertDefaultTexCoords(In, In.texCoords0.xy) * In.texCoords2.xy +;
float3 rotateVectorToTerrainNormal(VS_INPUT In, float3 inputVector, float3 terrainNormal)
float3 up = normalize(terrainNormal);
float3 xDir = normalize(float3(up.y, -up.x, 0));
float3 zDir = cross(xDir, up);
return inputVector.x * xDir + inputVector.y * up + inputVector.z * zDir;
float3 rotateFoliageVector(VS_INPUT In, float3 inputVector, float rotation)
float sinRot, cosRot;
sincos(rotation, sinRot, cosRot);
return float3(inputVector.x * cosRot + inputVector.z * sinRot, inputVector.y, inputVector.z * cosRot - inputVector.x * sinRot);
float3 getPosition(VS_INPUT In)
float3 getTangent(VS_INPUT In)
float3 getBitangent(VS_INPUT In)
return cross(getNormal(In), getTangent(In))*getBitangentSide(In);
float getBitangentSide(VS_INPUT In)
return In.tangent.w;
float3 getNormal(VS_INPUT In)
float2 convertDefaultTexCoords(VS_INPUT In, float2 texCoords)
return texCoords.xy * 8;
float2 getDefaultTexCoords(VS_INPUT In)
return convertDefaultTexCoords(In, In.texCoords0.xy);
float calcFogFactor(float distance, float fogStartOrDensity, float fogEnd, int mode)
float fogFactor = 1;
if (mode == 1) {
fogFactor = 1.0-saturate((distance-fogStartOrDensity)/(fogEnd - fogStartOrDensity));
} else {
fogFactor = (fogStartOrDensity * distance);
if (mode == 3) {
fogFactor *= fogFactor;
fogFactor = saturate(exp(-fogFactor));
return fogFactor;
float getSceneDepth(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals);
float convertDepthToEyeZ(float depthValue);
float3 getUnnormalizedTangentSpaceNormal(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals);
float3 getTangentSpaceNormal(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals);
float getSceneDepth(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals)
float2 coords = In.vs.screenPos.xy / In.vs.screenPosW;
return tex2D(sceneDepthMap, coords).x;
float convertDepthToEyeZ(float depthValue)
return (nearClip*farClip) / (farClip - depthValue*(farClip-nearClip));
float3 getUnnormalizedTangentSpaceNormal(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals)
float3 normal;
normal = tex2D(normalMap, In.vs.defaultTexCoords).xyz - 0.5;
return normal;
float3 getTangentSpaceNormal(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals)
return normalize(getUnnormalizedTangentSpaceNormal(In, globals));
float3 getNormal(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals)
float3 mNormal = tex2D( normalMap, In.vs.defaultTexCoords ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
float3 mDirtNmap = tex2D( DirtNmap, float2( RDT.z, RDT.w ) * In.vs.defaultTexCoords ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
return normalize( mNormal + float3(mDirtNmap.xy, 0.0) * (1 - globals.gDirt) );
float3 normal = getUnnormalizedTangentSpaceNormal(In, globals);
float3 tangentSpaceNormal =;
float3 tangentSpaceTangent =;
float3 tangentSpaceBitangent = cross(tangentSpaceNormal, tangentSpaceTangent)*In.vs.worldTangent.w;
float3x3 worldToTangentSpaceMat = float3x3(tangentSpaceTangent, tangentSpaceBitangent, tangentSpaceNormal);
return normalize(mul(, worldToTangentSpaceMat).xyz);
float getBumpHeightOffseted(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float2 offset)
return 0.0;
float getBumpHeightAtWithGrad(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float2 uv, float2 gradX, float2 gradY)
return 0.0;
float getBumpHeight(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals)
return getBumpHeightOffseted(In, globals, float2(0.0,0.0));
float getSpotLightIntensity(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float3 lightDir, float3 spotDirection, float cosInnerCone, float cosOuterCone)
float cosDirection = dot(spotDirection, -lightDir);
float amount = saturate((cosDirection - cosOuterCone)/(cosInnerCone-cosOuterCone));
return amount;
float3 getDiffuseShading(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float3 lightDir, float3 normal, float3 diffuseColor, float roughness)
return diffuseColor;
float getDistribution_Blinn(float roughness, float NdotH)
float a = roughness * roughness;
float a2 = a * a;
float cosPower = min(2.0 / a2 - 2.0, 2048.0);
return pow(max(NdotH, 0.00001), cosPower) * (cosPower+2.0) / 2.0;
float getDistribution_GGX(float roughness, float NdotH)
float a = roughness * roughness;
float a2 = a * a;
float d = ((NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH) + 1.0;
return a2 / (d*d );
float getVis_SmithJointApprox(float roughness, float NdotL, float NdotV)
float a = roughness*roughness;
float smithV = NdotL * ( NdotV * ( 1 - a ) + a );
float smithL = NdotV * ( NdotL * ( 1 - a ) + a );
return 0.5 / ( smithV + smithL );
float getVis_Schlick(float roughness, float NdotL, float NdotV)
float a = roughness*roughness * 0.5;
float schlickV = NdotV * (1 - a) + a;
float schlickL = NdotL * (1 - a) + a;
return 0.25 / ( schlickV * schlickL );
float3 getFresnel_Schlick(float3 specularColor, float VdotH)
float Fc = 1 - VdotH;
float Fc2 = Fc*Fc;
Fc = Fc*Fc2*Fc2;
return Fc + (1 - Fc) * specularColor;
float3 getSpecularShading(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float3 lightDir, float3 viewDir, float3 normal, float3 specularColor, float roughness)
float3 halfDir = normalize(lightDir + viewDir);
float NdotL = saturate(dot(normal, lightDir));
float NdotH = saturate(dot(normal, halfDir));
float NdotV = max(dot(normal, viewDir), 0.00001);
float VdotH = saturate(dot(viewDir, halfDir));
float D = getDistribution_Blinn(roughness, NdotH);
float V = 0.25;
float3 F = specularColor;
return D * V * F;
float3 getLighting(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float lightAtten, float atten, float3 lightColor, float3 lightDir, float3 viewDir, float3 normal, float3 diffuseColor, float3 specularColor, float roughness, float diffuseLightingScale, float specularLightingScale)
float3 diffuseShading = float3(0,0,0);
float3 specularShading = float3(0,0,0);
diffuseShading = getDiffuseShading(In, globals, lightDir, normal, diffuseColor, roughness) * diffuseLightingScale;
specularShading = getSpecularShading(In, globals, lightDir, viewDir, normal, specularColor, roughness) * specularLightingScale;
float NdotL = saturate(dot(normal, lightDir));
float3 lighting = atten*NdotL * (diffuseShading + specularShading) * lightColor;
return lighting;
float getFresnel(float facing, float fresnelBias, float fresnelPow)
return fresnelBias + (1.0-fresnelBias) * pow(facing, fresnelPow);
void getReflectionRefractionFactor(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float facing, out float reflectionFactor, out float refractionFactor)
float fresnel = getFresnel(facing, cReflectionCoeff, 3.0);
reflectionFactor = fresnel;
refractionFactor = 1-fresnel;
float3 getReflectionColorTex(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float3 normal, float3 tangentSpaceNormal, float3 viewDir)
float3 finalCoord = reflect(,;
return texCUBE( reflectionMap, finalCoord).xyz;
return float3(0,0,0);
float3 getReflectionColor(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float3 oColor, float3 glossColor, float3 viewDir, float3 normal, float3 tangentSpaceNormal, float facing, float reflectionFactor)
float3 res = oColor;
res = getReflectionColorTex(In, globals, normal, tangentSpaceNormal, viewDir)*reflectionFactor;
res *= glossColor;
res += oColor;
float3 mResult = getReflectionColorTex( In, globals, normal, viewDir );
mResult *= globals.maxSpecularIntensity;
float3 mTintColorTop = float3( 0.217, 0.612, 1.00 );
float3 mTintColorBottom = float3( 0.058, 0.040, 0.03 );
float mFresnelBias = cReflectionCoeff;
float mWorldNormalY = normal.y;
mWorldNormalY = In.vs.worldNormal.y;
mResult += lerp( mTintColorBottom, mTintColorTop , clamp(mWorldNormalY, 0.0, 1.0 ) ) * getFresnel( facing, mFresnelBias , 4.0 );
float mReflectionIntensityMap = 1.0;
float mDirt = 0.0;
mReflectionIntensityMap = globals.gGloss.r;
mDirt = globals.gDirt * ( 1 - clamp( RDT.g, 0.0, 0.9 ) );
mReflectionIntensityMap *= mDirt;
mResult *= mReflectionIntensityMap;
mResult *= globals.gAO;
float envScale = 0.2;
float3 reflDir = reflect(,;
float directionalEnvMapBias = 0.5;
mResult *= dot(normalize(reflDir), getLightVector(In, globals, 0)) * ( 1 - directionalEnvMapBias ) + directionalEnvMapBias;
envScale = diffuseColors[0].y;
mResult *= envScale;
mResult +=;
res = mResult;
return res;
float3 getRefractionColorTex(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float3 normal, float3 tangentSpaceNormal, float3 viewDir)
return float3(0,0,0);
float3 getRefractionColor(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float4 oColor, float3 viewDir, float3 normal, float3 tangentSpaceNormal, float facing, float refractionFactor)
float3 res =;
return res;
float3 getFogColor(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float4 oColor, float translucentLightingScale)
float unpackRGBAToFloat(float4 vec)
return (vec.x+vec.y *1.0/65536.0);
float4 packFloatToRGBA(float f)
float x,y;
float res_x, res_y;
x = floor(f*65536.0);
res_x = f*65536.0 - x;
y = floor(res_x * 65536.0);
res_y = res_x*65536.0 - y;
return (1/65536.0*float4(x,y,1.0,1.0));
float getShadowDepth(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float4 shadowVector)
return 1.0;
float getDirLightShadow(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, int dirLightI, int lightDataOffset, int numSplits, float shadowFarDistance)
return 1.0;
float getSpotLightShadow(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, int lightDataOffset)
return 1.0;
float getPointLightShadow(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, int lightDataOffset)
return 1.0;
void doAlphaTest(float alphaValue)
float2 getHeightRayIntersection(FS_INPUT In, FS_GLOBALS globals, float2 startUV, float2 ds, float numSteps)
float stepHeight = 1.0/numSteps;
float2 offsetStep = stepHeight * ds;
float2 gradX = ddx(startUV);
float2 gradY = ddy(startUV);
float2 curUV = startUV-ds*0.5;
float curHeight = 1.0;
float curSampledHeight = getBumpHeightAtWithGrad(In, globals, curUV, gradX, gradY);
while (curSampledHeight < curHeight) {
curHeight -= stepHeight;
curUV += offsetStep;
curSampledHeight = getBumpHeightAtWithGrad(In, globals, curUV, gradX, gradY);
float2 lastUV = curUV - offsetStep;
float2 lastSampledHeight = getBumpHeightAtWithGrad(In, globals, lastUV, gradX, gradY);
float Ua = (curHeight + stepHeight - lastSampledHeight) /
(stepHeight + curSampledHeight - lastSampledHeight);
float2 finalUV = lastUV + Ua * offsetStep;
return finalUV;
float3 calcClusterCoords(float2 screenPos, float viewSpaceZ)

return float3(screenPos.xy, saturate(log(viewSpaceZ * clusterPosScale) * clusterZScale + clusterZOffset));
int getLowestSetBit(int a)
int index = 0;
if (!(a & 0xFFFF)) {
index += 16;
a = a >> 16;
if (!(a & 0xFF)) {
index += 8;
a = a >> 8;
if (!(a & 0xF)) {
index += 4;
a = a >> 4;
if (!(a & 0x3)) {
index += 2;
a = a >> 2;
return (a & 1) ? index : index + 1;
autoclear VS_OUTPUT Out;
float3 position = getPosition(In);
float3 worldPosition = mul(modelMatrix, float4(position, 1));
float3 worldTangent = normalize(mul((float3x3) modelMatrix, getTangent(In)));
float3 worldBitangent = normalize(mul((float3x3) modelMatrix, getBitangent(In)));
float3 worldNormal = normalize(mul((float3x3) modelMatrix, getNormal(In)));
float4 projPosition = mul(viewProjMatrix, float4(worldPosition, 1));
float3 viewPosition = mul(, (float3x3)invViewMatrix).xyz;
Out.position = projPosition;
float3x3 worldToTangentSpace = float3x3(worldTangent, worldBitangent, worldNormal);
float3 viewDir =;
Out.screenPos = projPosition.xy*0.5 + 0.5*projPosition.w;
Out.screenPosZ = projPosition.z;
Out.screenPosW = projPosition.w;
Out.worldNormal = worldNormal;
Out.worldTangent = float4(worldTangent, getBitangentSide(In));
Out.defaultTexCoords = getDefaultTexCoords(In); = viewDir;
Out.vertToEyeVectorProjDistance = -viewPosition.z;
Out.vertexColor = In.color;
Out.worldPosition = worldPosition;
return Out;
float4 main_fp(FS_INPUT In) : COLOR
autoclear FS_GLOBALS globals;
globals.gGloss = tex2D( glossMap, In.vs.defaultTexCoords).rgba;
globals.gAO = globals.gGloss.g;
float texDirt = 1 - globals.gGloss.b;
globals.gDirt = saturate( (texDirt*1.05 - (RDT.g - 0.5)) * 2 );
globals.maxSpecularIntensity = 0.5;
float3x3 worldToTangentSpaceMat = float3x3(,
float3 viewDir = normalize(;
float3 tangentSpaceViewDir = normalize(mul(worldToTangentSpaceMat,;
float3 normal = getNormal(In, globals);
float3 tangentSpaceNormal = getTangentSpaceNormal(In, globals);
float facing = 1.0 - saturate(dot(viewDir, normal));
float4 albedo = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
albedo = tex2D(baseMap, In.vs.defaultTexCoords); = lerp( albedo.rgb, albedo.rgb * colorScale.rgb, globals.gGloss.a );
float3 mDirtColor = float3( 0.21, 0.1443, 0.0650 ); = lerp( mDirtColor,, globals.gDirt); *= globals.gAO;
float3 glossColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
float roughness = sqrt(sqrt(2.0/(cCosPower+2.0)));
float ambientOcclusion = 1.0;
float cavity = 1.0;
float metalness = 0.0;
roughness = sqrt(sqrt(2.0/(cCosPower*tex2D(glossMap, In.vs.defaultTexCoords).a+2)));
glossColor = tex2D(glossMap, In.vs.defaultTexCoords).xyz;
specularCosPower = max(cCosPower * globals.gGloss.r * globals.gDirt, 0.1); = (float3)(globals.gGloss.r*globals.gDirt); *= globals.maxSpecularIntensity*globals.gAO;
reflectionGlossColor = glossColor;
glossColor = lerp(glossColor,, metalness); *= (1-metalness);
float translucentLightingScale = 1.0;
float reflectingLightingScale = 1.0;
float alpha = 1.0;
float3 lighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
int2 offsetCount = itex3D(clusterGridBuffer, calcClusterCoords(In.vs.screenPos.xy/In.vs.screenPosW, In.vs.vertToEyeVectorProjDistance)).xy;
int lightOffset = offsetCount.x;
int pointLightCount = offsetCount.y & 0xFFFF;
int spotLightCount = offsetCount.y >> 16;
while (--pointLightCount >= 0) {
int lightIndex = ibufferFetch(clusterLightIndexListBuffer, lightOffset++).x;
float4 lightPos_InvRange = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, lightIndex);
float3 lightColor = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, lightIndex+1).xyz;
float3 lightDir = ( -*lightPos_InvRange.w;
float lightAtten = getAttenuation(dot(,;
lightDir = normalize(lightDir);
lighting += getLighting(In, globals, lightAtten, lightAtten, lightColor, lightDir, viewDir, normal, albedo, glossColor, roughness, translucentLightingScale, reflectingLightingScale);
while (--spotLightCount >= 0) {
int lightIndex = ibufferFetch(clusterLightIndexListBuffer, lightOffset++).x;
float4 lightPos_InvRange = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, lightIndex);
float4 lightSpotDirection_ConeParam0 = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, lightIndex+1);
float4 lightColor_ConeParam1 = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, lightIndex+2);
float lightHasShadow = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, lightIndex+3).w;
float3 lightPos =;
float invRange = lightPos_InvRange.w;
float3 lightSpotDirection =;
float3 lightColor =;
float coneParam0 = lightSpotDirection_ConeParam0.w;
float coneParam1 = lightColor_ConeParam1.w;
float3 lightDir = (lightPos -*invRange;
float lightAtten = getAttenuation(dot(,;
lightDir = normalize(lightDir);
lightAtten *= getSpotLightIntensity(In, globals, lightDir,, coneParam0, coneParam1);
float atten = lightAtten;
if (lightHasShadow > 0) {
atten *= getSpotLightShadow(In, globals, lightIndex+4);
lighting += getLighting(In, globals, lightAtten, atten, lightColor, lightDir, viewDir, normal, albedo, glossColor, roughness, translucentLightingScale, reflectingLightingScale);
int dirLightDataOffset = 0; {
float4 lightDir_shadowFarDist = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, dirLightDataOffset+0).xyzw;
float3 lightColor = bufferFetch(clusterLightsBuffer, dirLightDataOffset+1).xyz;
float3 lightDir =;
float lightShadowFarDistance = lightDir_shadowFarDist.w;
dirLightDataOffset += 2;
float lightAtten = 1.0;
lighting += getLighting(In, globals, 1.0, lightAtten, lightColor, lightDir, viewDir, normal, albedo, glossColor, roughness, translucentLightingScale, reflectingLightingScale);
float4 oColor = float4(lighting, alpha); += * * * translucentLightingScale * ambientOcclusion * cavity;
float reflectionFactor = 1.0;
float refractionFactor = 1.0;
getReflectionRefractionFactor(In, globals, facing, reflectionFactor, refractionFactor); = getReflectionColor(In, globals, oColor, glossColor, viewDir, normal, tangentSpaceNormal, facing, reflectionFactor*reflectingLightingScale*cavity); = getFogColor(In, globals, oColor, translucentLightingScale);
return oColor;

Richard Zwemmer (LSNextGeneration) 20.11.2016 12:52
I go the same problem here! When i painting foliage layers like ForrestGrassDark the editor does crash.
I am using the standard Goldcrest map as you can see in the picture's.

First picture you can see i am using the 7.0.4 editor a gonna paint forrestgrassdark.

In the second picture you can see the editor crashes when i try to paint the foliage.

In the editor 7.0.2 the is no problem only in the 7.0.3 and 7.0.4.

Hope you can come to an solution!

Cheers, Richard

Tracy Rose (Unknown) 20.11.2016 17:51
Do what I did : go back 7.0.2 with 7.0.4 scripts.
The 7.0.2 was stable version.
The developers made something wrong in other versions.

Christian Ammann - GIANTS Software 21.11.2016 10:26
Hi All,

We released a new version of the GE (7.0.5) the layer paint issue should be fixed now.


Tracy Rose (Unknown) 21.11.2016 14:44
Thanks for the info, but check the "editor 7.0.5 traffic problem" topic.
Do you solve a bug, and make another one.
What happened with you, dear developers?

Richard Zwemmer (LSNextGeneration) 21.11.2016 14:53
He Chris, Thank you for the new editor!

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