Community Forum

Anyone Notice that Giants is NOT paying any attention to this site

Forum Overview >> Editor

Created23.11.2018 21:12

David Brown (mrscsi) 23.11.2018 21:14
Anyone Notice that Giants is NOT paying any attention to this site

Leon Ill007 (leon_ill007) 23.11.2018 21:28
I think the main focus of giants is to the forum! (

David Brown (mrscsi) 24.11.2018 18:29
Well see here is the thing champ Giants WANTS the community to provide content and it is WHY they created the GDN but they have neglected it to the point of it being a freaking joke...

Now the main forum does not tell me where to get the editor or exporter and it does not explain the new workflows required to do PBR as it relates the the changes in the game engine they MADE....

If they DID provide that info over there then all the little gamer kids who do not make content would COMPLAIN about having to see those posts and would be bumping their screenshots over them

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