Maya LT not supported

Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created11.06.2013 15:07

Floyd Reese (Unknown) 12.08.2013 09:38
I have a steam download version and I have trying to follow the tutorial for the maya script. Ran into a snag in my mind the narrator says to find a "maya" folder in the documents list I can't find a MAYA folder but the one I creates .

Hames Mcintyre (Unknown) 09.01.2014 23:20
same here guess we got ripped off or its windows 8.1 hiding it

David Jones (Unknown) 10.01.2014 13:02
i have the same problem did you find where the maya folder is after

Arne Lie (Unknown) 25.05.2014 18:12
I am also stuck at the maya part I have windows 8.1 and i can't find the maya folder and I don't want do buy autodesk maya. (I also got it from steam)

Christian Ammann - GIANTS Software 18.07.2014 00:37

Unfortunately Maya LT is not supported. Because Maya LT doesn't support third party plugins at all. One of the biggest differences to the full version of Maya.


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