
Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created24.11.2024 02:27

Modenuss Potocki (modenuss) 24.11.2024 02:27
# Error: ImportError: file C:/Users/KOMPUTER/Documents/maya/2020/scripts/giants_i3d_exporter_10.0.0// line 33: No module named exporterUI.ErrorBox #

import imp as imp
import maya.cmds as cmds
import sys
except NameError:
from importlib import reload
cmds.loadPlugin("C:/Users/KOMPUTER/Documents/maya/2020/scripts/giants_i3d_exporter_10.0.0//I3DExporter2020-x64.mll", quiet=True)
import I3DExporter
# Error: ImportError: file C:/Users/KOMPUTER/Documents/maya/2020/scripts/giants_i3d_exporter_10.0.0// line 33: No module named exporterUI.ErrorBox #

Exporter does not open ,what's going on here?

Frederic Ledu (Fredericmodding) 24.11.2024 13:45
I had the same error as you on maya 2018, I deleted the exporterUi folder where it found errorbox and changelog dialog, I pasted them directly into the giant i3d exporter.10.0.0 folder and I modified this line there in the by opening with notepad+++

import ErrorBox as ErrorBox by
import ErrorBox

and the same in changelog dialog and I managed to open it on maya

Modenuss Potocki (modenuss) 24.11.2024 15:01
Thank you very much for your help. It works !!! Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! :)

Frederic Ledu (Fredericmodding) 24.11.2024 15:24
With pleasure

Ther Ádám (TherAdam) 24.11.2024 19:40
Hy. My problem would be that explorer displays this error:

# Warning: Can't find /data/shared/detailLibrary/materialTemplates.xml
# Warning: Can't find /data/shared/brandMaterialTemplates.xml
Game Path:
XML: /data/shared/detailLibrary/materialTemplates.xml
# Error: FileNotFoundError: file E:\Program Files (x86)\Maya2024\Python\lib\xml\etree\ line 569: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/shared/brandMaterialTemplates.xml'

pls Help.

Modenuss Potocki (modenuss) 24.11.2024 20:21
EXPORTER -In the EXPORT section, (GAME LOCATION) you need to select the path to the game (...\Games\Farming Simulator 25)

Modenuss Potocki (modenuss) 24.11.2024 20:29

Modenuss Potocki (modenuss) 24.11.2024 20:29

Modenuss Potocki (modenuss) 24.11.2024 20:29

Ther Ádám (TherAdam) 24.11.2024 21:19
Thank you!! :)

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