Category | Maya Exporter |
Created | 12.01.2019 21:58 |
Lkaminco (LKAMinco) | 12.01.2019 21:58 |
after installing exporter, i click on the exporter window and it says error here is it: import imp as imp import maya.cmds as cmds import sys cmds.loadPlugin("C:/Users/MiĹo/Documents/maya/2016/scripts/I3DExporter2016-x64.mll", quiet=True) sys.path.append('C:/Users/MiĹo/Documents/maya/2016/scripts/') import I3DExporter reload(I3DExporter) I3DExporter.I3DExport() # Error: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 4: Plug-in, "C:/Users/MiĹo/Documents/maya/2016/scripts/I3DExporter2016-x64.mll", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. |
Lkaminco (LKAMinco) | 13.01.2019 00:31 |
solved |
Valentin Kopaev02 (Unknown) | 18.10.2019 21:26 |
But how is she solved? |
Laurin Eller (Unknown) | 31.01.2021 12:06 |
GF |
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