Maya Exporter only for Maya 2018

Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created01.10.2019 11:37

Thomas Koslowski (TKossi) 01.10.2019 11:37
I am not able to load/install Maya 2018
I have a installed Maya 2015 and Maya 2019.

For Maya 2015 I don't have the correct Exporter.

The downloaded Exporter 8.0 -Exe placed the files in wrong directories - I corrected them manually - it doesn't function.

Is it possible to have a installation-File for Maya 2019 yet (without the Errors from the mel-skripts)?

Solutions and Workarrounds are welcome - please let me know how to install it in Maya 2019 / Skript it the correct way.


Thomas Koslowski (TKossi) 06.10.2019 14:25
I found the link to download the older version of Maya - so I installed Maya 2018 and the exporter...... All is fine now.
Installation successful.

Thanks for YOUR help!

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