Installed Mod Sorting

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CategoryFeature Requests
Created13.08.2022 19:31

Travis Simonson (Tjrulesz) 13.08.2022 19:31
Thank you so much for the game you've made and all the wonderful features. It really is enjoyable. However, one feature I feel is very lacking is the ability to sort the listed mods. Alphabetical, by install time/date, by popularity. These things are life to me. Alot of the mod names are not self-explanatory and so a visual picture and ability to click the description is paramount to my brain, but the current sorting has no rhyme or reason, that I can tell, under the installed mod list. Hopefully it's not difficult to implement, but it would be of such great help to me, and many others. Thank you.

Earl Bush (ProQuasar) 31.12.2022 16:34
I agree. I typically run a lot of mods, several hundreds, and would really appreciate this ability.
I run so many mods for testing and development purposes for modding.
A sort feature that could list enabled vs disabled and by time(i.e. recently installed) would be fantastic.
Outstanding game. Thanks.

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