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Disable rigid bodies

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 2009

CategoryFarming Simulator 2009
Created20.06.2009 07:49

Michael Brüggebusch (Unknown) 20.06.2009 08:11
I've tried several times to change Body Types to "NoRigidBody" but it don't work as described.
The Documentation says that "NoRigidBodyType" should disable the Body.
For Example:


if i use this i always get "Kinematic".
In baler.lua script row162 the function call is setRigidBodyType(id,"None")
but this doesn't work too. I only get a "NoRigidBody" Result if the Object is set to None at Game Start. The Change to Dynamic works fine but it is impossible to change back to None.

best Regards

Christian Ammann - GIANTS Software 08.07.2009 18:09
Hi Michael,

In most cases setRigidBodyType fails or just does nothing because you use the wrong entity id for the setRigidBodyType function especially with compounds.


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