Step-by-step modding videos

Modding Video Tutorials 6.0 (Farming Simulator 25)

Chapter 1: Immersion in the Modding Community
Chapter 2: Familiarize with the Modding Tools
Chapter 3: Working with Blender
Chapter 4: Surface Materials
Chapter 5: Preparing hierarchy and setting up pivots
Chapter 6: Physics components and functional nodes
Chapter 7: Setting up modDescXML and vehicleXML
Chapter 8: Implementing vehicle functions
Chapter 9: Animating your vehicle
Chapter 10: Adding extra vehicle features
Chapter 11: Merge groups and bounding volumes
Chapter 12: Building level of detail
Chapter 13: Constructing hydraulic hoses
Chapter 14: Generating icons
Chapter 15: Tips and tricks / Tuning of your vehicle
Chapter 16: Publishing your mod

FarmCon 24 Media Vault

FarmCon 24: GIANTS Engine & FS25 Tech
FarmCon 24: FS25 Map Presentation
FarmCon 24: FS25 Machines & Gameplay
FarmCon 24: FS25 Modding - What's different?
FarmCon 24: Scripting Farming Simulator with LUA

Modding Video Tutorials 5.0 (Farming Simulator 22)

Chapter 1: Introduction & Blender Installation
Chapter 2: Installation of .i3d Exporter
Chapter 3: Surface Materials
Chapter 4: Separate & Editing Pivots
Chapter 5: Components & compoundChildren
Chapter 6: Functional Nodes
Chapter 7: modDescXML
Chapter 8: vehicleXML
Chapter 9: Create Animations With “Moving Tools”
Chapter 10: Adding Effects
Chapter 11: Merge Groups & Bounding Volume
Chapter 12: Level of Detail
Chapter 13: Skinning
Chapter 14: Creating Store Icons
Chapter 15: Fine Tuning

FarmCon 23 Media Vault

Premium Expansion: Gameplay Demo - Machines
Gameplay Demo: Premium Expansion Map (Zielonka)
FarmCon 23 - Modding with Blender Tutorial
FarmCon 23 - Modding: Scripting
FarmCon 23 - 15th Anniversary Presentation
FarmCon 23 - Upcoming Projects presentation
FarmCon 23 - Aftermovie

FarmCon 22 Media Vault

First Look: New map 'Silverrun Forest' (Platinum)
First Look at Pumps N' Hoses by Creative Mesh
Gameplay Demo: First Look at Platinum Machines!
Inside QA: How We Test Your Mods
Inside Audio: Audio Pipelines & Sound Design
FarmCon 22: Precision Farming - Gameplay Recap
Extended Preview: Platinum Machines
Extended Preview: Silverrun Forest
Precision Farming Retrospect
Preview: Vermeer Pack
Game Art: Character & Vehicle Creation
Preview: Pumps N' Hoses Pack by Creative Mesh
Making Crawlers for Farming Simulator 22
FarmCon 22: Aftermovie

FarmCon 21 Media Vault

FarmCon 21 - Day One
FarmCon 21 - Day Two
FarmCon 21 - Day Three
Gameplay Premiere! Farming Simulator 22 in action (Pt.1)
Gameplay Premiere! Farming Simulator 22 in action (Pt.2)
Preview: Production Chains in Farming Simulator 22
Elmcreek Preview: New US map in Farming Simulator 22
Introduction: Seasonal Changes in Farming Simulator 22
Preview: The new build mode in Farming Simulator 22
Preview: New Crops in Farming Simulator 22
GIANTS Engine 9: Improvements in Farming Simulator 22
Sound Design Improvements in Farming Simulator 22 (Pt.1)
Sound Design Improvements in Farming Simulator 22 (Pt.2)
Making Of: Behind the scenes of our Cinematic Trailer for FS22
Precision Farming in Farming Simulator 22: Talking to John Deere

FarmCon 20 Media Vault

Testing for a non-linear game like Farming Simulator (Kenneth Burgess)
Sound Design for the next Farming Simulator (Stefan Geiger)
Modding for Beginners - Modifying XMLs (Stefan Maurus)
LUA scripting (Marius Hofmann)
Introduction to ModHub (Kenneth Burgess)
Designing the new map for FS19 (Horia Serban)

Modding Video Tutorials 4.0 (Farming Simulator 19)

Part I - GIANTS Editor Overview
Chapter 1: Installing the GIANTS Editor
Chapter 2: Basic functions of the GIANTS Editor

Part II - Map Creation
Chapter 3: Terrain editing
Chapter 4: Creating fields
Chapter 5: Adding objects

Part III - Gameplay
Chapter 6: Creating farmlands
Chapter 7: Creating the starting farm
Chapter 8: Adding the shop
Chapter 9: Setting up missions
Chapter 10: Adding AI traffic

Part IV - Sound
Chapter 11: Adding Sounds

FarmCon 19 Media Vault

Map Design in Farming Simulator 19 - Florian Busse
Serious Games at GIANTS - Stefan Maurus
Realism vs. Fun - Martin Rabl, Stefan_LS, Wopster, BlackJack
Guest Presentation: CLAAS - Bernd Ludewig, Corinna Kotula, Reinhold Mähler
Guest Presentation: Swiss Future Farm - Nils Zehner
Introducing the new Script Debugger - Stefan Geiger
Guest Presentations: DJI Agricultural Drones - Davis Wong

FarmCon 18 Media Vault

Audio in FS19 - Tiago Inácio
FS Community Management - Lars Malcharek
YouTube changes - Martin Rabl, GudnLP, Burning-Gamers,NordtheinTV, SachsenLetsPlayer
Dynamics and diversity in product development - Philipp Horsch
Textures in FS19 - Marc Schwegler, Jan-Hendrik Pfitzner
Modding for FS19. Engine, features, changes, tips - Stefan Maurus
General modding Q&A - Martin Rabl, Manuel Leithner, Marc Schwegler, Stefan Geiger
LUA scripting - Manuel Leithner
Modding for consoles - Jan-Hendrik Pfitzner