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Created25.12.2016 22:29

Jorn Hiel (fa285634) 25.12.2016 22:30
Does anyone know where the new indoorhud function is lurking about in the lua's ? Wonder what's all possible :)

Stefan Maurus (MaurusStefan) 08.01.2017 14:59
The indoor hud's are located in each lua which supports/adds a new indoor hud. You can search for the "VehicleHudUtils.loadHud" function call to see the possible indoor hud's.


Combines: workedHectars
Drivables: operatingTime, cruiseControl
Fillables: fillLevel
Motorized: fuel, rpm, time, speed, fuelUsage
WoodHarvesters: curLength, diameter

Mngrazy Grazy (Unknown) 11.01.2017 10:32
fillLevel not working in the moment .... ;)
maybe in patch 1.4 works again -----

Jorn Hiel (fa285634) 15.01.2017 23:19
hopefully, that was actually the one i was looking for to make some nice animated displays. Thanks for pointing me out in the correct direction ;)

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