Community Forum

Animation playing backwards

Forum Overview >> Scripting

Created16.09.2019 07:48

Gregory Autry (Autry44) 16.09.2019 07:48
In giants editor the support on the trailer starts as down and goes up when attached to a truck, in my .xml my animation for the supports look like this

<animation name="moveSupport">
<part node="0>8" startTime="0" endTime="0.4" startTrans="0 0 7.972" endTrans="0 0.366 7.972"/>

if have even tried flipping it like this
<animation name="moveSupport">
<part node="0>8" startTime="0" endTime="0.4" startTrans="0 0.366 7.972" endTrans="0 0 7.972"/>

still no luck if anyone can help me get the animation to play the right way would be very helpful

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 16.09.2019 10:33
You can reverse movement with <animation ..> <part .. direction="-1"

Gregory Autry (Autry44) 16.09.2019 20:27
Thank you, that fixed it, animations are playing perfectly now

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