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Tune wheels

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Created08.03.2012 17:45

Alexandr Veshtort (Unknown) 08.03.2012 17:46
Hello! My name is Alexander! I Want to ask for you the help! Tell me please as to me to lift above a wheel and to increase it in the size! If I simply increase it it it turns out in the earth half! Tell what exactly to make and what to register in xml that I could increase it!

Yan Belousov (Unknown) 18.07.2012 22:45
you must write right wheel radius
<wheel rotSpeed="58" rotMax="35" rotMin="-35" driveMode="1" repr="0" radius="0.898" positionX="1.229" positionY="0.728" positionZ="-1.922" deltaY="0.1" suspTravel="0.2" spring="180" damper="0" mass="0.3" />

can you see radius="0.898?

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