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Running GE 6.0.3 on Mac OS using Parallels

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Created19.03.2015 13:28

John Boggess (wkycat54) 19.03.2015 13:31
I'm trying to run the GE 6.0.3 using Parallel Desktop and Windows 8.1 on a Mac. I keep getting a Shader Model 3.0 not found error even though I'm running directX 10 with the Shader Model 4 or 5 clearly loaded. Very frustrating. Using NVIDIA CUDA with latest drivers. Anyone else ever had this issue?

Tamas Nier (jarvis__) 21.06.2015 10:22
The same here. I can't figure out how to solve it. If You have any solution, please share! :) But the OS X version of Giants Editor would be _THE_ solution imo...

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 21.06.2015 10:29
No way (at present). The current Parallels supports merely OpenGL 2 with shader model 2.0

Jannik Meissner (Unknown) 29.06.2015 19:30
I am using VMWare Fusion with my Intel Iris being also used by the VM, but I still get the same error. It sucks that I can't even use VMware to quickly modify a map... Why don't we get a version running in VMWare, if not a full Mac Version? They promise and just don't deliver

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 30.06.2015 07:49

the most or all 'virtual machines' (VMware, Parallels, XEN or whatever) have problems to deliver full support for OpenGL, especially for OpenGL 3.0.

So, it is not our fault that virtual machines can't handle 3D applications.

Once I read somewhere that it could/should be possible to pass a graphics card directly to a virtual machine using XEN (Linux as basis).

Still you would not want to do that due to the performance loss.
You would rather build up a dual boot system and enjoy the full speed of the 3D application under Windows.

Finally, yes we do have the GIANTS Editor for OSX on our roadmap.
But there are also a lot of othre things on this roadmap.
So, I can't guarantee any date on which we will release an editor for OS X.
Sorry for that.


Matt Utley (Unknown) 07.11.2015 19:09
Looking forward to GIANTS Editor for OS X. The ideas and creativity of OS X users will be a great addition to GIANTS development and the gaming experience

masterchefmatt 

Bryan Lennon (netw3rkd) 17.12.2015 04:11
FWIW I blew away os x on my MBA. installed Arch linux and some wine wrappers. FS15, and GE work better than they did on os X. When they ship GE for os X, i'll gladly switch back though. or dual-boot. ;)

Tom Pritchard (noonoo117) 28.12.2015 11:48
Are you any closer to a mac version yet?

Joshua Williams (Unknown) 17.05.2016 22:40
I am having the same shader trouble on my Mac running Parallels. Wish Giants would release an editor for Mac already. Looks like its been almost a year since anyone from Giants in this thread has mentioned anything about it...

Leroy Benjuamin (Unknown) 25.04.2017 17:23
well.... I'm still waiting. 2 years later.

Dennis Van Tergouw (Unknown) 20.04.2021 12:20
6 years later...

So we can assume that there will be NEVER a mac version of the GIANTS Editor.

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