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editor 7.0.5 traffic problem

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Created21.11.2016 10:50

Michael Niewold (Unknown) 21.11.2016 10:57
I have een problem with the traffic.
I can not to click the cubes in the editor.
every time I want to click on a box, the line disappears.
I'm not the only who has problems with it here. I'd really like it if this solved word
many people walk to complain why I don't traffic in my map have

Ekkehard Kohfeld (EKohfeld) 21.11.2016 12:05
Google translator
I have now managed to spline to edit, alledings need the for it
Outside of the traffic group, be even more beautiful if however they would work, they are packed again into the traffic group for the vehicles
Go the other synonymous not more (to test from map01 brought) and if one
Which works from map01 (points moves) are also no longer alone.

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