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Created23.02.2017 20:18

David Merriman (davidm198742) 23.02.2017 20:18
hi I need help with exporting the animated horse's from sandy bay 17 to my map. I can get it there but it wont animate on my map any help

Ted Fanning (wickedset) 23.02.2017 23:36
You need to put AnimalPedestrian.lua into maps/scripts folder and add

<sourceFile filename="maps/scripts/AnimalPedestrian.lua" />

to your modDesc.xml

then it should work

David Merriman (davidm198742) 24.02.2017 21:58
thanks can I put it any where in that modDesc.xml or does it need to go some where pacific and do I need to change anything on the imported item

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