Community Forum

ShovelFillTrigger in FS19

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Created16.01.2019 18:38

O.wiesemann (TopAce8888) 16.01.2019 18:38
Is there any equivalent to the ShovelFillTrigger from FS17 in FS19?

Jos Kuijpers (Unknown) 17.01.2019 09:47
You need to use UnloadTrigger/UnloadingStation instead. See husbandries, silos, bga.

O.wiesemann (TopAce8888) 18.01.2019 09:41
Yes, i know, but then I have to press the key for loading the shovel. With the old shovelTrigger it was possible to drive into a heap and fill the shovel. So this isn't possible via a trigger in FS19 anymore?

Jos Kuijpers (Unknown) 31.01.2019 11:44
No this does not exist anymore, sadly.

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