Community Forum

user attributes not showing giants editor

Forum Overview >> Editor

Created05.03.2019 05:19

Larry Davenport (Unknown) 05.03.2019 05:19
Hi Guys,

I am having a issue, Not sure if its something I am doing wrong or is it a bug with the editor.
In editing my map and adding objects, I can see no "user attributes" even if I load an existing map that is functioning well if I click on an object and carefully click through the objects Hierarchy Giants editor displays only the name of the object but no other user attributes below is an image that might help to understand my issue

Could someone help me? or offer advice?

I am using GE 8.1

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 05.03.2019 11:36
If there's no user attribute displayed, the transform doesn't have one.
In FS19 the i3d user attributes are replaced widely by xml attributes.
You might try adding a dummy attribute for test.

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