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game will not load

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Created17.02.2021 12:35

Steven Farmer (stev11113) 17.02.2021 12:35
Can someone help please.
My map will not load up to sf19. I mean it`s ok loading up I get it on map selections and go through all that.
But I just get the loading up circle.
And I`m getting this on game log:

2021-02-17 11:12 LUA call stack:
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/environment/weather/Weather.lua (192) : getXMLFloat
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/environment/Environment.lua (102) : load
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (343) : new
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (190) : loadEnvironment
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (871) : load
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/gui/MPLoadingScreen.lua (264) : onConnectionRequestAcceptedLoad
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/gui/base/Gui.lua (608) : update
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/main.lua (1940) : update
2021-02-17 11:12 Warning (script): 'getXMLFloat': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
2021-02-17 11:12 ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (882): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType
2021-02-17 11:12 LUA call stack:
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/environment/weather/Weather.lua (193) : getXMLFloat
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/environment/Environment.lua (102) : load
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (343) : new
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (190) : loadEnvironment
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (871) : load
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/gui/MPLoadingScreen.lua (264) : onConnectionRequestAcceptedLoad
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/gui/base/Gui.lua (608) : update
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/main.lua (1940) : update
2021-02-17 11:12 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
2021-02-17 11:12 dataS/scripts/environment/weather/Weather.lua(506) : attempt to index local 'weatherObject' (a nil value)

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 17.02.2021 12:50
As you see, all errors come from environment. Check the map.xml for <environment filename=..
If this points to "$data/maps/map.._environment.xml" there's probably something wrong with the map's sun.
If it points to custom environment files in map folder, these might be incomplete or faulty.

Maybe check this also for the map.xml <colorGrading filename=..

Steven Farmer (stev11113) 18.02.2021 13:40
Thanks Bilbo.
What I did was accidentally deleted the map folder.
I was cleaning up my mods folder and deleted it.
I reinstated it and some of it was missing.
I sorted that out thanks.

Bilbo can you tell me why, when I reloaded my map some of the textures are missing and the terrain was flat.
I sorted out the terrain by downloading a older version where the terrain was ok on top of the flat one then deleting it.

I`m sorry if I sound stupid but I didn`t grow up with computers.
I`m off long term sick and trying to teach myself new things.
If I don`t know how to do something I look up tutorials but a lot are out of data.

I wont to know what I`m doing wrong because I now its just stupid mistakes I`m making.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 18.02.2021 20:27
If any errors occur, at the very first look into game and editor log:
game log: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator...\log.txt
editor log: %LOCALAPPDATA%\GIANTS Editor ...\editor_log.txt

In most cases the given hints will be sufficient to fix the errors.
Else google for "fs19 {log error message}".

Unknown 19.02.2021 13:48
kann keine Map mehr Sielen weil Giantes ewig nicht lät obwohl ich neuste Version habe
habe das Problem seid 2 Tagen wer kann helfen

Danke schon mal im Voraus

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