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Created19.04.2021 15:28

Steven Farmer (stev11113) 19.04.2021 15:28
I`ve got problems with my i3d file.
I know what the problem is it comes up with error parse error i3d at line 6745 out of memory.
But when I go in to the file with notepad ++ it will not let me get on to that line.
I can get above it line 6743 and below it line 6744.
But when I try to get on to line 6745 notepad++ crashes ever time.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 19.04.2021 15:46
Install the Notepad++ plugin "HEX-Editor".
Go to a line near the faulty one and toggle to HEX view. There you can examine and fix the failure. It's very probably a bad control character or zero byte.

Steven Farmer (stev11113) 20.04.2021 00:47
Thanks that fixed it much appreciated.

NoƩ Matinez (Unknown) 22.04.2021 09:06
Hello, I have a computer with Linux. I want to make mapping, so I installed Giant Editor 8.2.2 under Wine (the game FS19 works perfectly with this method) but, when I open an .I3D file, my installation software (Wine) displays me An error message that there is an error in the application database.
What solutions can you bring me?
Thank you in advance for your reply

Alban Martinez (Unknown) 22.04.2021 18:11

Sven Gib (SvenG) 04.03.2022 22:35
@Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) I have the same issue as Steven and I have installed the plugin but how do i go to that line? the specific line isn't there anymore. I also don't know how to read that code but that's something i will discover after i've found the line.

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