Community Forum

Giants Editor 9.0

Forum Overview >> Editor

Created22.11.2021 12:57

Grim Reaper (GrimReaperAlphaX) 22.11.2021 12:57
Hey guys there is no Giants editor in FS 22 SDK,what is the deal with it?,so far editor was always published with game and there is no way to get it now,when will be available for download?
thanks in advance.

Thibaud Raphael (greenkeeper24) 22.11.2021 13:08
Same question, when will GE be available?

Aleksandar Zivic (black_freedom94) 22.11.2021 13:10
GE available??

Ross Bowden (rossnmods) (rdbbowen) 22.11.2021 14:30
I guess it will be launched here soon, looking at modding tutorials in the collectors edition looks like we will also be getting a blender exporter V9.01

Kacper Cedro (kapi25606) 22.11.2021 15:12
soon it means today or tomorrow or next week?

Frazer Lusty (flusty94) 22.11.2021 15:41
no one has a clue mate

Gulyas Balazs (honved4) 22.11.2021 15:46
When release the Giant editor 9.0.1???

Gulyas Balazs (honved4) 22.11.2021 15:46
When release the Giant editor 9.0.1???

Frazer Lusty (flusty94) 22.11.2021 15:46
no one has a clue mate

Paule Müller (RofflRolf) 22.11.2021 16:33

Ieke Voulon (voulon) 22.11.2021 16:48
when where Giant editor 9 for FS22 , i hoop here soon?????

Grim Reaper (GrimReaperAlphaX) 22.11.2021 20:47
Some mods are out on various sites,how this people export models if there is no editor yet available is a big question...

Maël Hamon (Ashtraga) 22.11.2021 21:34
"you can make mods without the editor" is a response of a community admin discord and another response of him "ASAP, no exact time" ;)

Hemery Mickael (Mickeyrs4) 22.11.2021 21:57
on converti les mods en comparant les nos mods au véhicule du jeux et avec Note pad ++

Hemery Mickael (Mickeyrs4) 22.11.2021 21:58
on converti les mods en comparant les nos mods au véhicule du jeux et avec Note pad ++

Andrei Sprinseana (xsenio) 22.11.2021 22:01
This is understandable, but there will be a warning about the old Shapes in the log. So fashion without editor is so-so.

Grim Reaper (GrimReaperAlphaX) 22.11.2021 22:40
@Andrei Sprinseana yea you are right,there is no way to export anything without the editor,and not only because of warning.
New editor is using different shapes and texture mapping,so there is no way to put even a simple static mesh in a game without it.
People who post all this mods already get editor,some tractors from FS 19 are converted to FS 22,without editor there is no freaking way to convert it,so my guess is Giants give editor to this people,and the rest of the world can just wait.

Curtis Howard (Curtishd123) 22.11.2021 23:52
Hey, Mapper here, a few of us in the community have been using xml to quick convert stuff over. By using the games own 'log' and/or 'console' to see what error's are being caused by said mod being converted. It is very much a guess and check method of doing things. And while it does work, it is not the correct way of doing things. Hope this helps, Large H Mapping.

Casper D (icedevil26) 23.11.2021 01:59
need that giants editor... i want to see how it works

Bruhwheat 69 (Deathtodawn) 23.11.2021 05:02
when will GE be avalible

Chloe Sims (RainDoll) 23.11.2021 08:13
Got to be patient, it takes time to get things out, need to remember they just released the game so things need to be checked over to make sure it's ok to put out.

Tóth Zoltán (Zoli272) 23.11.2021 08:41
When will there be a new Giants Editor?

Thibaud Raphael (greenkeeper24) 23.11.2021 10:00
We want news !!!
How can we work with mapps without GE?
Someone from GIANTS to answer us?

Daniel Riechmann (Painlich) 23.11.2021 11:40
maybe it is faster if I also ask where the editor is? =D

Horváth Zsolt (gamerhzs) 23.11.2021 11:41
They could announce at least one date when they will be Giants Editor 9.x.x..
The forums are not full of anything but this question.

Horváth Zsolt (gamerhzs) 23.11.2021 11:41
They could announce at least one date when they will be Giants Editor 9.x.x..
The forums are not full of anything but this question.

Horváth Zsolt (gamerhzs) 23.11.2021 11:42
They could announce at least one date when they will be Giants Editor 9.x.x..
The forums are not full of anything but this question.

David Brown (mrscsi) 23.11.2021 11:59
Chloe Sims (RainDoll) "Got to be patient, it takes time to get things out, need to remember they just released the game so things need to be checked over to make sure it's ok to put out."

Well IF the exporters and editor were not on the DVD I might agree, but since they are there is really no reason....

Keep in mind, the maps and content for the game were conceived somehow using something ;)

Mike Peters (10mike72) 23.11.2021 12:41
Does anyone know if in fact the editor is on the physical copy of the game?Take Care

Daran Thompson (dmt116) 23.11.2021 13:03
Giants is is a shame you did not learn from the release of editor 8.
The issue is not who does or does not have it but, that again you are not communicating what is going on.
It is a shame as forums should be talking about the improvements in game not the inability of Giants to show some respect to people by simply telling them what is going on.

Droulin Jean (bimbolaki) 23.11.2021 13:12
It is not on the two DVDs of the collector's box version

Mike Peters (10mike72) 23.11.2021 13:18
Thank you Droulin Jean (bimbolaki)I have the week off for thanksgiving and was hoping to get a head start on converting my mods over to FS22.Oh well,thanks again

Luiz Eduardo De Lima (luizdudu) 23.11.2021 15:56

Luiz Eduardo De Lima (luizdudu) 23.11.2021 15:57

Luiz Eduardo De Lima (luizdudu) 23.11.2021 15:57
Haven't they thought that maybe the focus is not to release GE 9 until the community enjoys the official equipment?

William B (parzival) 23.11.2021 16:08
giants did not learn from fs19, again pre lease a game barely out of beta, then not release an editor, all while ignoring everyone, how does giants expect such thing from the community, to drop the release as they did IMO is a marketing scam,

its really sad giants treats what it calls its community this way, this is not how friends treat each other, and this is how they treat their members, what they really think of us is self evident by the actions of giants, simply dont care, rather make a few million early and get the community to fix the game again,,,,

one day the community will do the same to giants and that will be the end of giants,

Tim Sprinkhuizen (timspr) 23.11.2021 16:09
Hi All,

For info on the official forums of FS22 in German "dtmaster" posted an reply from Giant that they are working on it.

Chloe Sims (RainDoll) 23.11.2021 16:53
David Brown (mrscsi)

Well IF the exporters and editor were not on the DVD I might agree, but since they are there is really no reason....

Keep in mind, the maps and content for the game were conceived somehow using something ;)

It was not in the DVD and yes they had to use a editor to make the maps but that version could be out of date and or contain bugs that need to be addressed before releasing it., I've been making maps since LS11 and I wouldn't want an editor thrown at me that could have things wrong with it and break something I work hours on. ;)

Chloe Sims (RainDoll) 23.11.2021 16:57
David Brown (mrscsi)

Well IF the exporters and editor were not on the DVD I might agree, but since they are there is really no reason....

Keep in mind, the maps and content for the game were conceived somehow using something ;)

It was not in the DVD and yes they had to use a editor to make the maps but that version could be out of date and or contain bugs that need to be addressed before releasing it., I've been making maps since LS11 and I wouldn't want an editor thrown at me that could have things wrong with it and break something I work hours on. ;)

David Brown (mrscsi) 23.11.2021 17:27
Chloe Sims (RainDoll)

Sorry been doing this since fs 13 and yeah the SDK IS on the actual DVD's and if it is NOT, this will make the FIRST TIME since FS13 LOL

Daran Thompson (dmt116) 23.11.2021 17:57
Tim Sprinkhuizen (timspr) thank you for the information. Have now read the German site and communication is being raised as an issue there as well.

It would appear they will release the editor once they no longer have any serious problems in the game, (see below from email translation).

"dtmaster" posted
translates to

Thank you for your request
We will provide the GE as quickly as possible if we no longer have any serious problems in the game that would only make editing with an unsuitable editor worse.
Please be patient.
We have that on the agenda for this week.

Kelly Patricia Mixon (Robbie55) 23.11.2021 19:30
So, the GE will be out this week?

rokrest09 23.11.2021 20:48
To sit and be silent about the reason not publicized software is at least not respect for people, it is also not respect for those who are completing the game for the developer, which they have been doing for three years, or rather, they released a patch to the old version of the game, calling it the next version of the game. with this approach, an already not very good publisher, giants development, becomes a shitty publisher for the whole world, simply because someone was too lazy to clearly place on the site even the expected release date of the program, but what will those who have bought editing tutorials from them and in the end, too, does not get this product for editing ??? or did they get an editing program ??? Most of all, it is indignant that you have to storm all possible sources to find out at least something.

Google translator

Grim Reaper (GrimReaperAlphaX) 24.11.2021 14:20
This is really a shame what's going on,first of all game is broken,there is no way to play it on DX 12 API on directX 12 capable hardware,then no exporters and no editor,and not even a response from Giants on they official forum,i posted this thread few days ago and now i see how many people commented and looking for answers,shame on you Giants!!

Louis Everard (GrounDIe) 24.11.2021 14:59
Why is everyone so angry about Giants taking a little bit longer to provide the community with good software that facilitates modding by a lot. Most other game developers don't do that. Why can't everyone just chill for a bit?

Dan Hickey (danman83) 24.11.2021 15:18
^^ YEH agree mate,im relatively new to fs,started plaing 19 about 6 months ago,learnt how to make maps in editor,im sure the updated editor will b with us soon,i think giant software love mods as much as we do so im sure it will be out soon and will be a good reason for it not being available right away

David Brown (mrscsi) 24.11.2021 15:31
"Louis Everard (GrounDIe) 24.11.2021 14:59
Why is everyone so angry about Giants taking a little bit longer to provide the community with good software that facilitates modding by a lot. Most other game developers don't do that. Why can't everyone just chill for a bit?"

It's cute that you think this is all about "to provide the community with good software that facilitates modeling by a lot" you have to be relatively new to the game…

From FS 13-FS 17 it was included with the retail DVD on the day of launch, good bad or indifferent. Then for FS 19, they pulled what their pulling now, and the community got mad, shook their fists in anger and said if you ever do it again, we are gone…

Fast-forward 2 years, giants the entire time swearing now that they are publishing, it's all going to be different…

I'm not saying modders are all going to split in protest, but I know quite a few who have just thrown their hands up, I know I'm losing any interest myself. I'm not going to speculate as to the reasons why, that's up to Giants staff to do to the community is to own up to what they do and do not do.

But that software that you say has to be "good" already exists or there wouldn't be any maps, or any tractors, or any combines or anything. You look at every ID3 file in the game installation every one of them says

GIANTS Editor 64bit" version="9.0.1

So that software already exists, why they refuse to release it is anyone's guess

Thibaud Raphael (greenkeeper24) 24.11.2021 15:41

that's why we don't have GE
Just no GE because they sell a dlc € 5 Make a mod with BLENDER.

Louis Everard (GrounDIe) 24.11.2021 15:49
@David Brown
If you would have looked at discord they stated that there are still some bugs to iron out until they want to release the editor so that the mods/maps created by the community wouldn't all break.
And if you knew anything about game development you would know that developers use bare bones software that normal users wouldn't understand at all. So the editor they release to the community is something extra they do, not just a random bit of preexisting software.
And if you want to go on a trip down memory lane. You also have to acknowledge that the editors that they released so far worked for the games that I was mapping for (17 and 19). So just chill out a bit and give them time.
And on the topic of the modding tutorials, I am not on board with the 5 bucks they want for them, but with 5 minutes of google search you can find all of that info for free.

Calvin Williams (calclif) 24.11.2021 16:23
this is what happens when mod makers pay for a limited exclusive of the editor so they can get a jump on the moding community with there free and payed mods, they did it with fs 19 editor when that game was released.

Gabriel Moreau (ciros3) 24.11.2021 16:43
The Community buy fs22 and fs22 is not only the Game it include the GE. I think ~60-80% would use the GE from Day One and Giants know it

Grim Reaper (GrimReaperAlphaX) 24.11.2021 17:31
@David Brown (mrscsi) Right i agree with everything you said,of course editor is already available because all the content is made with it,without it there would be no maps and vehicles to drive.
And personally i dont believe in story that they want to perfect the editor lol,if this 9.0.1 version is broken they would not use it for map making,something else is up,what...well like you said everyone had they own opinion.
At this point there is nothing else left to do then wait and play the game with default content.
Most likely editor would be released this week because if not people would go crazy,editor is a part of the game for years and without it game package is not full.

Tim Hager (tmanhagger) 24.11.2021 19:19
@Grim Reaper (GrimReaperAlphaX) I think its because of all the collector edition's being held back due to being on the ships on the Cali coast line.
But what do I know?

Matthias Deutz (Mattel) 24.11.2021 19:50
Wo Runterladen ich tu

Matthias Deutz (Mattel) 24.11.2021 19:50
Wo Runterladen ich tu

Tino Claassen (dtmaster79) 24.11.2021 20:01
@Matthias Deutz: Es gibt noch keinen Editor zum runter laden. Erkennt man doch auch aus den vorherigen Posts.

Stefan Geiger - GIANTS Software 24.11.2021 23:18
The GIANTS Editor is now available for download.
Other tools will follow in the next days.

Edward Edwards (edwards_modding) 25.11.2021 10:19
Thank you Stefan Geiger!

Grim Reaper (GrimReaperAlphaX) 25.11.2021 11:35
Thank you Stefan,finally and it's working great!
Great job guys!

K.schmidtke (steppenwolf) 25.11.2021 15:58
Bei mir stürzt der 9er bei jedem 22erMod ab

Peter Schmidlechner (Mihbosaua_Peda) 25.11.2021 16:06
bei mir stürtzt er auch immer ab und bei mir werden zur auswahl die farzeuge und Maps vom ls19 angezeigt

Fivem Roli (Rolifiv) 17.12.2021 16:30
hy, warum schreibe das?
Error: Failed to compile shader 197D9ED0-0000281C-00000000-05C00000.
Error: Could not parse GISL program.
(134): ERROR: 'uint' : syntax error syntax error

Error: Failed to compile shader 197D9ED0-0000201C-00000000-01C00000.
Error: Could not parse GISL program.
(137): ERROR: 'uint' : syntax error syntax error

Error: Failed to compile shader 197D9ED0-0000261C-00000000-03C00130.
Started 3 threads for threadpool 'TerrainPatchOccluderManager threadpool'

Giants Editor 9.0.1

Fivem Roli (Rolifiv) 17.12.2021 16:33
hy, warum schreibe das?
Error: Failed to compile shader 197D9ED0-0000281C-00000000-05C00000.
Error: Could not parse GISL program.
(134): ERROR: 'uint' : syntax error syntax error

Error: Failed to compile shader 197D9ED0-0000201C-00000000-01C00000.
Error: Could not parse GISL program.
(137): ERROR: 'uint' : syntax error syntax error

Error: Failed to compile shader 197D9ED0-0000261C-00000000-03C00130.
Started 3 threads for threadpool 'TerrainPatchOccluderManager threadpool'

Giants Editor 9.0.1

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