Community Forum

blender missing dds file

Forum Overview >> Blender Exporter

CategoryBlender Exporter
Created23.03.2023 20:10

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 23.03.2023 20:10
just made a dds file but then it says

Error: Missing dds file 'D:/backup 8-7-22/Camera Roll/'
Error: Can't load resource 'D:/backup 8-7-22/Camera Roll/

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 24.03.2023 23:04
I created a "textures" folder in both the Blender file location and id3 file location. Then have a copy of you .dds files in each folder.

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 29.03.2023 21:59
okay thats work?

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