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Blender to giants edito

Forum Overview >> Blender Exporter

CategoryBlender Exporter
Created30.03.2023 16:17

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 30.03.2023 16:23
fs22UDIM_mat.blend there is not vehicleshader and buildingshader

How can i fix this?

kind regards Robert

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 30.03.2023 20:04
Which i3d Exporter are you using with Blender?

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 30.03.2023 20:38
the normal version from giants exporter

my version blender 3.3 no sorry 3.1

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 31.03.2023 03:31
I'm testing Blender 3.5.0 today with the Blender Exporter Plugins v9.0.1.

Bought the GIANTS Modding Tutorials 5.0, worth every penny.

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 31.03.2023 14:28
Okay did it works? Yes i have giants modding 5.0 to and thats great

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 31.03.2023 20:27
Yes, it appears to export same as Blender 2.9.0.

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 31.03.2023 22:29
okay can you help me with instructions

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 01.04.2023 03:00
What is your question?

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 01.04.2023 13:12
how can i do that what you did

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 02.04.2023 02:23
Which Modding Tutorial 5.0 video do you need explained?

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 02.04.2023 23:02
episode 3 surface materials

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 03.04.2023 00:10
What part of the video #3 do you need clarification.

NOTE: the current i3d exporter had slight improvements that were made after the video series.

Before exporting make sure you have main component setup as in Episode 05.

Robert Alting (Robert_18) 03.04.2023 13:14
okay i can try it

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