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Export has no texture

Forum Overview >> Blender Exporter

CategoryBlender Exporter
Created26.12.2023 13:54

Alexandru Ionita (alexorcery) 26.12.2023 13:54
Hello, I am new to map making but I want to learn and create a map inspired on the village I live in. And to make things easy I took a screenshot on google maps and I want to make it an image to plane in Blender. So far so good but when I export it using the i3d addon I get lost in all the settings and when I load my plane into giants editor I get a grey plane visible only on one side. Is there something I'm missing?

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 26.12.2023 15:24
Have you assigned the texture in blender ,even if you imported an image as a Plane in Blender you still have to assign the the texture in the materials panel.
The image will only be seen on one side of the plane in GE anway that is normal

Further info on creating a map dem available here

Alexandru Ionita (alexorcery) 04.01.2024 17:05
Thank you for your reply, but I am still having issues and i can't really understand what you mean. Can someone show or tell me step by step a basic blender to GE export and all the settings? Thank you

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 04.01.2024 18:32
As you are a beginner to modding I suggest you watch some video's on how to use it with emphasis on Farming Simulator
here is one such video from a tutorial series.

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 04.01.2024 20:15
If you are using the GIANTS Exporter Plugins then you might want to get the Modding Tutorials 5.0 as well. Well worth the $4.99 USD.

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