Community Forum

New version of blender

Forum Overview >> Blender Exporter

CategoryBlender Exporter
Created25.02.2024 04:25

Tanner Corbin (Tjman87) 25.02.2024 04:25
Im new to this and i have downloaded Blender 4.0. i get an error when installing the i3d. am i doing something wrong? thanks for the help!

Jjnhgfvbnm,mnbv Mnhgvc (valtfendmassey) 25.02.2024 20:22
We need a new update for next version of blender

Alcides Lisboa (Sonek4) 05.04.2024 19:08
Blender version is actually 4.1 so my question is: When we´ll get a compatibility with it?

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