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i3d export error

Forum Overview >> Blender Exporter

CategoryBlender Exporter
Created17.03.2024 22:46

Matias Pr (Matsk) 17.03.2024 22:46
I wanted to export an .i3d file out of blender according to tutorial. I am trying to export a simple cube with no material but its not working. I get following error when I press export all: "list index out of range" I am able to export with unofficial exporter but i'm curious why this is not working with giants exporter?
I use Blender version 3.3.1 and addon version 9.1.0


David Zadnik (DzInLa) 18.03.2024 00:14
Have you saved the Blender file before exporting?

Are you using the (Export All) or (Export Selected) option?

If (Export All), what are the other objects?

Try creating a material and then export.

I export i3d files with Blender 3.6.9.

Matias Pr (Matsk) 18.03.2024 23:50
I have saved and also tried to restart Blender and PC. I tried to both export all and export selected with the cube selected.

Initially I had a few objects but now just testing with creating a blank project and just adding a cube with material or without and trying to export it with no luck. I think I'm going to try reinstalling and maybe with different Blender version.

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 19.03.2024 02:41
Hello Matias Pr (Matsk),
Do you have more than one version of the i3d Exporter active?
Did you try adding add a material?
Did you set the (Game Location) for Farming Simulator 22?
Copy the full error message if possible from the Blender INFO screen.



Matias Pr (Matsk) 19.03.2024 23:57
Hello David
I made sure i only have one exporter active and added a material.
I tried 3 exports when I first I press "Export All" . Then I try "Export Selected" (not selecting anything) and exporting a file worked but there's nothing in it. Then I select the cube + material and try "Export Selected and I get error again
Here is a screenshot from blender with setting and log:

Info log:
----------Action Log----------
Start export...
list index out of range
Export failed
----------Action Log----------
Start export...
Exported to C:\Users\Matias\Documents\BLENDER\Export_test_giants\test.i3d
Scenefile 'C:/Users/Matias/Documents/BLENDER/Export_test_giants/test.i3d' saved in 8.277800 ms at Wed Mar 20 00:40:05 2024.
SUCCESS Export time is 0.47 seconds
bpy.ops.outliner.select_box(tweak=True, xmin=131, xmax=230, ymin=113, ymax=334)
----------Action Log----------
Start export...
list index out of range
Export failed

David Zadnik (DzInLa) 20.03.2024 19:22
Hello Matias Pr (Matsk),

When it exported with the message "SUCCESS Export time is 0.47 seconds", did you try opening the i3d file?

Is the material you created just a standard Blender material or one with the textures added?
If the textures are added, there is one more step to do.

Have you watched these videos? Chapter 3 is about materials.

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