Community Forum

How to install plugin in Blender

Forum Overview >> Blender Exporter

CategoryBlender Exporter
Created19.10.2014 01:22

Dylan Trabuc (Unknown) 19.10.2014 01:24
Hi every body,
i had create a simple object in sketchup,
i have import this in blender then when i would export: the exporter doesn't exist.
I'm in blender 2.63 with the 5.5 exporter version
i've install correctly the plugin
i've you any thinks? help me

ps: i speak french

Ilkka Tommola (Unknown) 19.10.2014 12:03
If the addon is installed properly you should see "GIANTS I3D" menu at the top row. Open it and then click I3D Exporter.

Now hit N key to open your "N toolbar" and exporter options will appear at the bottom.

You'll need to do this each time you open Blender.

Dread Tuga (dread) 19.10.2014 22:54
The 5.5.1 version of the exporter is only supported by blender 2.70 or above, update blender or get the previous version of the exporter that only works with blender 2.62.

Ibanez Patrick (Unknown) 10.11.2014 20:06

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