Community Forum

Blender Exporter file corrupted

Forum Overview >> Blender Exporter

CategoryBlender Exporter
Created01.12.2018 18:54

Aleš Hořejšek (AliG2) 01.12.2018 18:54
Hello, I can not install Blender exporter, because when it starts the installer it throws File corrupted. I have Windows 10 version 1809 and Ryzen 5 1600x please thank you for your advice

Johnathan Davis (jagsta21) 02.12.2018 01:33
i installed but get script errors when i try to enable it.

Jorn Hiel (fa285634) 02.12.2018 10:32
easy to fix, unzip the .exe file and place the contents in a folder in your blender addon's folder. --> working as intended

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